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25-11-14, 10:35
I'm determined to help you overcome your Health Anxiety before Christmas so you can enjoy it like everyone else does. If you're like I was, you will dread Christmas - I used to worry that they wouldn't have the best medical staff working in case I had to be rushed into hospital. A few Christmases were ruined because of this irrational fear.

Let me help you get better before Christmas - I'm here to answer any questions you may have about how I beat my health anxiety and how you can beat yours.

Fire away!

25-11-14, 10:58
I definitely need help. This year has been especially tough for me. I have had more testsxand scans than I care to mention and yet a new "worry" has managed to materialize. I am exhausted from this. I can barely eat or sleep. I am going on a cruise in a few days and want to be able to enjoy it. I want a life but can't seem to stop the continual downward spiral. How do I stop?

25-11-14, 11:32
I love christmas so much and I think that's why my HA goes into overdrive every year at this time. Help please?

25-11-14, 11:34
You can help me...
I am going into my third year of anxiety.. Makes me feel sick saying that because I can't believe how long it's taken over my life.

I seem to relapse over the winter... Also my friend suddenly passed away last week which came as a complete shock... His has set me off again.

I suffer with dizziness predominately which scares me so so much. I've had tests I've had therapy and I just can't seem to conquer it when I hit the winter :(

25-11-14, 11:58
I really need help, am struggling at the moment, keep going light headed and feel like my heart is racing (which it isn't). I love Christmas but cannot get into it this year at all as it is taking over my life. Am at my GP in the morning and will ask to be referred for CBT again but am scared she will dismiss the dizziness as anxiety. My ear was blocked last time and she said to steam, but when I put my head forward to steam it makes it worse. Its a vicious circle. Do not want to go on medication.

25-11-14, 12:11
I'm not sure if mine is "Health" Anxiety in particular but I noticed my stress threshold is much lower. Little stressors will set me off into Anxiety mode :( I've been taking vitamin supplements as of last week....not sure if they will help. In particular, I started taking magnesium citrate 150mg, omega-3 multivitamin in gummy forms and Stress Support Day.

*Fallen Angel*
25-11-14, 12:15
I guess for me it's how to accept the uncertainty and believe my Dr. How do I do that when I feel so dreadful and he keeps piling more pills on me? I have dizziness/off balanced-ness, weakness, palpitations, can't sleep etc and I know they are all classic symptoms of anxiety and I accept that except for the fact I get them even when not anxious!

I did have anemia last year but couldn't tolerate the tablets so was advised to stop taking them. Iron levels raised to just into normal levels and I feel the same yet Dr reckons it's anxiety/low mood not anemia now.

I am waiting to be seen by an endocrinologist as he suspects hypothyroidism but my levels were within the NHS's normal even though I fit all the boxes.

Sorry, this turned into an essay!

25-11-14, 18:14
My HA almost ruined my wedding/honeymoon a few months ago. The few weeks leading up to it I swore I had melanoma and breast cancer. Thankfully got in to my gyno and it relieved that fear but I definitely spent time worrying that I was going to come home from my wedding and be diagnosed with melanoma.

Seen the dermatologist and was given the all clear. Now I am worrying for my husband and a mole on him. Now I am thinking he is going to go to the doctor in 2 weeks, they are going to biopsy it and we're going to get the news that it is malignant right in time for christmas. I feel even more anxious since I think his mole seems worse off then mine and I atleast knew how long I had my mole for.

I hope everyone is able to enjoy the holidays!

25-11-14, 18:23
My biggest problem at the moment is flitting from one illness to another, I self diagnose with one illness overcome the fear of that and then start on another one. How do you stop this cycle? Thanks :)

28-11-14, 22:08
Oi Skipster - don't leave people dangling get answering :)

29-11-14, 00:17
Almamatters I'm exactly the same. From one illness to another. I hate living like this, I have a wedding to plan and a dissertation to start but I don't want to do anything. I'm too preoccupied with cancer thoughts. I'm now convinced myself that I have bowel cancer. I feel like I'll be diagnosed with cancer before my wedding :(

29-11-14, 14:11
Almamatters I'm exactly the same. From one illness to another. I hate living like this, I have a wedding to plan and a dissertation to start but I don't want to do anything. I'm too preoccupied with cancer thoughts. I'm now convinced myself that I have bowel cancer. I feel like I'll be diagnosed with cancer before my wedding :(

Hi , yes I'm afraid I have the same fears, I have had HA for a long time but nowadays my main fear is cancer. I am ok with most other illnesses it is just this one I can't seem to crack. I have wasted a lot of time thinking about this and remember cancelling holidays before certain tests I have had as I have been so convinced I am going to be diagnosed with cancer. It's always terminal and widespread cancer with me, it's never going to be treatable . I don't know your story but my guess is , like me, you don't have cancer. Don't let Ha spoil your wedding :hugs:

29-11-14, 16:34
Hi , yes I'm afraid I have the same fears, I have had HA for a long time but nowadays my main fear is cancer. I am ok with most other illnesses it is just this one I can't seem to crack. I have wasted a lot of time thinking about this and remember cancelling holidays before certain tests I have had as I have been so convinced I am going to be diagnosed with cancer. It's always terminal and widespread cancer with me, it's never going to be treatable . I don't know your story but my guess is , like me, you don't have cancer. Don't let Ha spoil your wedding :hugs:
I'm EXACTLY the same. It's always cancer and always terminal. I postpone everything in my life until tests. I don't even buy new things or change my habits as if it's gonna jynx it or something. Each time I feel like last one is the one, this time it's definitely cancer, I 100% believe it. Other illnesses don't bother me either, it's only cancer. Thank you, I'll do my best and hope you feel better soon too :)

30-11-14, 03:23
Oi Skipster - don't leave people dangling get answering :)

Well said CPE. :yesyes:

I think Skippy has forgot with it drifting down the list as he has posted a new thread since.

30-11-14, 18:17

01-12-14, 12:45
Apologies guys, I have decided on the back of some fair criticism from another forum member see this thread: (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=162743&page=4) to refrain from posting on this forum in future. Although I am not in agreement with most of what the poster says, he/she has a point regarding the fact that I have no medical training whatsoever and as such it is not my place to offer out any kind of advice to anyone suffering with any kind of mental or physical illness.

Again I would like to apologise for this. It's a recent decision and it's not the reason why I have not responded to this thread sooner - I have been very busy with work commitments.

The only thing I want to re-iterate to people is that health anxiety can be overcome, no matter how low you feel - for me the solution was adding distraction into my life and a change of mindset that made me look at the bigger picture and stop constantly seeking reassurance which only made things worse in the long-run.

I wish you all the best, hope you have a great Christmas and make sure you live every moment of your life to the full, without worry.

Merry Christmas! :)