View Full Version : Fed up

25-11-14, 11:28
I am so fed up with HA. This year has been one of my worst yet and just keeps going. I have had more tests than I care to mention and yet I still find things to worry about. I had gotten a pretty clea bill of health after a trip to the ER in a panic just last Wednesday and a trip to the neurologist on Friday for more results. Then Sunday.....black stool. I can't seem to get a break. I was ready to start a "new life" with all of these tests coming back great. Then Sunday happened. I think I can trace it to something I ate, but you all know that's not how the anxious mind works. Called the GI doc and talked to the nurse and of courss they want to run teasts. So I am barely eating or sleeping. American Thanksgiving is in a couple days and I am due to go on a cruise starting Saturday. I want to be able to enjoy thess things without the anxiety. Any advice or reassurance would be welcome. I am new to this forum, by the way. This is my first post. It is nice to know there are people who truly understand what life with this beast is like. Thanks!

25-11-14, 11:38
Oh yes. We so understand you. Although I avoid doctors and tests. Cannot bear the words 'waiting for test results'. That's why I'm scared of going to doctor in case she sends me for tests.
Could the black stool be red wine related? That happens to me.
You have a wonderful cruise to look forward to. Keep an eye on things but I'm sure it will resolve itself in a few days.

25-11-14, 11:53
Thanks Elf. Beets and red meat, I think. I am hoping.

*Fallen Angel*
25-11-14, 12:18
I don't have any words of wisdom except to say you aren't alone. I hope you manage to enjoy Thanksgiving and your cruise.