View Full Version : salivary gland under tongue

25-11-14, 16:57
I have a dreadful fear of oral cancer and last night I discovered what I thought was a swelling or lump on my tongue, right in the middle, underneath towards the base/floor of my mouth. I totally freaked out and immediately asked my hubby about it and he told me he has something similar. I have since found out that this is the salivary gland and stupidly googled. What on earth is wrong with me? Why do I have to think that this looks sinister when its probably perfectly normal? Its got to have always been there and I'm likely to have seen it before but never thought about it so why now all of a sudden?

If there really was something not right, would my dentist notice it when he does his checks? I am due there again early January. Having a really bad time at the moment. I know I am seeking reassurance, and we are told not to, but I am unhappy x

25-11-14, 17:09
Yes I am sure your dentist would notice something like that and you could always just ask them to have a look for you. Pretty sure I have a similar kind of lump (perhaps they are normal) I also have some random lump things on the back of my tongue which I was informed by dentist are enlarged taste buds. I googled these years ago and diagnosed tongue cancer. I hope you are feeling better soon, I know reassurance is not the answer but I know how horrible it is too feel so worried. x

25-11-14, 17:53
Thank you for your reply. I guess I am just wanting to be told that this is perfectly normal but I really dont want to go running off to the dentist coz I feel like an idiot and I know that there is nothing really wrong. Cant afford it either! But then again I feel that I have to worry about this. There is a little nagging voice in my head saying "what if" and "get it checked out". I worry about everything and I am very stressed at the moment and know that I am trying to divert some of the worry onto something else. I am a seriously messed up person x

25-11-14, 22:36
I have the same thing actually. I noticed it a week or so ago. I had just been to the dentist a few weeks before and had the oral cancer screening and everything. But of course I had to go back to the dentist to have him check it out. He said it was a clogged salivary gland and to give it a couple weeks to see if it unclogs on its own. It still feels the same to me actually. He said if it got bigger to come in and it might have to be opened up to unclog it. I am not worrying about it. Hope you can get some peace about your little bump too.

Catherine S
25-11-14, 22:52
Yes its a salivary gland, we have them inside our cheeks too. I remember some years ago one of the salivary cheek glands became blocked...which they can do sometimes but rarely, and the pain was something like when you suck on a sherbet lemon sweet...that feeling that makes your eyes water! The doctor gave me an antibiotic and it cleared within 24hrs. If you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and on the point of swallowing, the water you get in your mouth comes mosrly from the gland underneath your tongue.


26-11-14, 07:29
Thanks for your support. It really means a lot. I wish I could just stop being so obsessed with this. I was the same a few months ago with something else at the back of my mouth, which is still there but I dont even think about it any more. I will try and keep a lid on this and monitor things and if it gets any bigger, maybe have it looked at x