View Full Version : Waiting is the worst part!

25-11-14, 18:34
I have an appointment scheduled for my husband to see a dermatologist in a few weeks. I had made him one back when I had my initial scare but had to cancel mine and reschedule due to insurance. He had me cancel his as well since we were also just really busy at the time.

Now I am kicking myself because I noticed a scary mole on him and I just don't know how I am going to make it over the next 2 and half weeks. It really is a short wait compared how long I have heard other people had to wait for.

I work a desk job and since it is the end of the year we are really slow and I just sit and google all day long. Nothing good comes of it. I find some promising info that is then contradicted by something else I read. Stupid stupid stupid mole :(

25-11-14, 19:40
What does the doc think of it? GP's aren't derms, of course, but can he/she put your mind at ease?

25-11-14, 20:25
Didn't make an appt with the GP. His insurance doesn't require a referral so he can see a specialist without the GP. The last time he was at his GP was about 2 years ago and I don't think they looked at any of his moles before. He has a decent amount, not as many as I do but most of his are fairly light. Except this one.

25-11-14, 22:51
Absolutely agree. Waiting is the worst part !
I'm not very good at waiting too. Sometimes when the medical results are delayed, I kept calling the doctor's office till I get a good scolding from them.
I would also pace around the house, or google all day in office.
Not good for my career. :blush:

26-11-14, 14:35
That is how I am! I have all this free time at work right now I could be using to watch online classes and stuff but instead I've made it to like page 6 of google results!

I can't even think about how long I will have to wait until after the appointment for the results..if there is any testing. Part of me hopes the results take awhile because I would think something serious would be alerted to the doctor sooner. And with the holidays coming up I feel like there may be a delay too which is also raising my anxiety level. Since its the holidays I am now worried results will get mixed up or someone will be slacking because they just want to get home or are stressed out.

Ugh the things this brain of mine comes up with!! :scared15: