View Full Version : Being institutionalized

05-01-07, 15:06
Hi,my brother has been in prison for 7 months on remand.he is now out on bail.It wasnt for anything serious!!!!!!!!
He is an alcoholic,and does drink for confidence.Well since he has been out of prison he has started to become very anxious and finding it hard to get back to normality.He has found now he cant get on a bus,he cant go to the shops because of the crowds.He cant attend AA meetings because there are lots of people,and this never ever used to bother him at all.This is making him want to drink to be able to do these things.
I was wondering if anyone here had been institutionalized at all prison,hospital anything like that, and have any advise please.He is making my anxiety worse at the mo.
Thank you.

Ellen XX

05-01-07, 18:25
Hi Ellen

I have just been discharged from hospital after a 3 month stay and like your brother it would've been very easy to become institutionalised very quickly. I have been lucky in that I had periods of home leave before being discharged finally today but the first couple of times home I found it difficult to go out and do normal things again. I also felt that everyone would know I had been in hospital and felt ashamed when in reality no one knew unless I chose to tell them.

Drinking is a way of coping just like any other coping mechanism. It seems to help in the short term but makes anxiety worse and it becomes a self perpetuating cycle.

I would suggest your brother starts with small steps and gradually builds up. Perhaps he could aim to spend a few minutes outside every day until he is able to do that reasonably comfortably and then go a bit further from home, or take one stop on a bus.

Maybe you could suggest he reads the First Steps information on this site. We all know that taking those tentative initial steps are difficult but avoidance only makes things worse. I am now in the process of trying to build a new life for myself after hitting rock bottom a few months ago.

I hope your brother is able to find a way forward.


05-01-07, 20:07
Thank you Karen,I have read some of your posts.I wish you all the best in building your new life.You have done really well.

Ellen XX

06-01-07, 00:43
Hi Ellen

My eldest son served 4 years for armed robbery some years ago and he became totally instatutionalised (spelling) so think its quite normal!!!

feel free to pm me

luv kaz x x x

06-01-07, 02:32
Hi Ellen -
Maybe it's just that things are really mapped out while incarcerated (sp). I mean they basically control your every move and now that he is out - it has to be a big shock going from a environment that is so structured to one that isn't.
Hopefully with a little time on the outside he will get back into the swing of things.

06-01-07, 10:16
Hi Ellen, does have access to any support from the probation services? It must be quite common for people to come out and need help adjusting to life on the 'outside'.

I wish him and you well.

Love Jo xx
