View Full Version : I think it's back

26-11-14, 06:24
I've suffered from HA for a long time now and for the past few months it has dissappeared but now I can't get the idea of me having a stroke out of my mind. I'm only 18 and it's messing with my life again :weep: . I can't even be myself for a long time as I think I might die alone.

Symptoms I'm feeling:
Light/Numbness feeling through my body
Insomnia and waking suddenly breathless and panicky
Always feeling tired and fatigue

26-11-14, 14:19
These symptoms are common in anxiety. Anxiety can effect the body in very weird ways. I wake up in panic a lot and feel like something happened to my family. You should see your doctor though and ask for a blood test, maybe your iron levels are a bit low, it's common in females as we lose blood monthly. I'm suffering from severe health anxiety lately and I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there, hope you feel better soon.

26-11-14, 18:01
Of course saying you are fine may not help since I also convince myself I am going to die of something. The chances of stroke for an 18 year old are extremely low. I would explain your symptoms to a doctor and get their advice. When you feel sure you have something, I swear the symptoms start appearing. I have convinced myself of a brain tumour/anyurism so many times. Out of nowhere (circumstances are always different and I never feel anxious when they strike)my hands shake, limbs go numb, I feel like my sense of smell cuts out, my ears feel like they are full of cotton, I feel nauseous and my head gets very heavy. I know my anxiety amplifies the symptoms but they are real to me, and no doctor has found a certain cause yet.