View Full Version : Dreams

26-11-14, 12:01

I've asked about this before, but need to ask again - sorry.

My anxiety has been better for a few days and I thought I was turning a corner, however I am worrying again about this particular symptom.

Does anyone on here ever remember old dreams. I keep remembering snippets from dreams I have had in the past. I always remember my dreams in the morning, but lately I have remembered old ones too. I can be doing something totally unrelated and I suddenly remember a dream I have had. Of course I googled and now I'm terrified I have a brain tumour.

I can't seem to find anyone who gets this. I am now so alert to it all that it's happening even more.

If anyone can relate I would so appreciate it.


26-11-14, 12:30
Absolutely. Nothing uncommon, and totally harmless.

26-11-14, 12:59
Thanks Notcool - it does help to hear that.

26-11-14, 13:02
I'm pretty sure it's normal, I remember dreams from my childhood very vividly.

26-11-14, 15:22
Its the randomness that scares me. The way I suddenly remember an old dream (not the whole thing, just a small bit) from out of nowhere and without any prompts.

Trouble was I googled and found loads about simple seizures and dream recall.

Do yours just pop into your head randomly?


26-11-14, 15:34
Yes I get this too with dreams but also with things I have actually done and experienced. It's like a few seconds of a film that's played and then goes I always think it's odd but never think anything more of it.

26-11-14, 15:38
I think something triggers my recollections but it feels like random. You think they are random but maybe they aren't, maybe subconsciously something you encounter reminds you of your dreams. Don't forget that memory is such a powerful thing, a smell, a song you heard can remind you of something that you think you've completely forgotten.

26-11-14, 22:05
Thanks guys

I get random memories of my past and it doesn't bother me. I can often see the links as to why I remembered stuff. The dream memories though are just weird. I can't see any link and they just pop up. Today I had a sudden memory of a dream I had moths ago. I could see part of the dream and felt worried. Seconds later and it was gone.


11-12-14, 12:22
I get this often for no apparent reason. I think maybe that a memory is provoked by something we are reading, listening to or doing.Something familiar pops up with a distant memory or dream and our brain finds it in the filing system and brings it to our attention again.

08-07-24, 16:13
This is happening to me right now and I’m ever so worried. Do you still have this? Sorry ab old thread I know but I’m so worried