View Full Version : Just curious! What has been your weirdest symtpom

26-11-14, 14:14
What has been the strangest symptom that has been put down to health anxiety or anxiety in general. Mine was smelling things that aren't there weird smells that I'm not familiar with.

26-11-14, 14:22
I had very blurred vision and sensitivity to light to the point I wanted to walk around in sunglasses even at night.

26-11-14, 17:55
Head bobbing sensation, scalp getting tingly/hot/feeling like something was dripping inside my head. Also intense head pressure where I feel like my head is going to explode and will start with my ears.

26-11-14, 21:00
Where to begin?! Regurgitating food, intimate itching, pulsing sensation in ear...

26-11-14, 21:18
Blinking! Constant blinking almost like an OCD ritual.. till my head hurts. And it can be embarrassing in public... Is always worse when stressed

26-11-14, 21:43
Wow it's amazing what our minds can do I have suffered for over 10 years and it never fails to amaze me what symtpoms I can get

26-11-14, 21:46
Has anyone had severe itching? Especially on arms and legs. My legs become very itchy at nights and the more I scratch small colorless bumps appear on the inner sides of my knees and thighs. They look like chicken skin

26-11-14, 23:08
a pulsing/twitching sensation deep within my ear, and a tingling upper lip.

I laugh about this stuff now...

26-11-14, 23:32
It's good to be able to laugh and recognise the symptoms as anxiety. Twitching I've had that one before too :)

27-11-14, 06:46
Bottom of my foot would get real warm for a few minutes then stop. Turns out its not anxiety but an actual symptom with diabetes

27-11-14, 08:22
Mnaha do you have diabetes then?