View Full Version : So anxious when at home - can't relax in new flat! Help!

26-11-14, 15:00
Hey everyone,

I’ve not posted on this board before but have been on the site around 7 months.
I started to suffer from health anxiety in May-time after moving to London in April.
I’ve started to overcome that now but having moved into a new flat a month ago with my boyfriend I’m now terribly anxious about anyone getting in and hurting us.

It all started two weeks ago when we had to call the police (probably unnecessarily) as there were two lads outside our front door – turns out they were just smoking weed and haven’t been back since.
I think they were just using our security light to roll a joint/see their phones but it really got to me.

Now I can’t relax in the flat at all – I jump at every noise, can’t sleep and spend most of the time looking out of the peephole in the door and out of the windows.
We have moved into an ex-council block but it is v. quiet so not sure why I feel like this.

I’ve got everything I wanted and I should be loving it but I’m spoiling it with my anxiety – has anyone experienced similar issues and got over/learned to cope with them?

Tips would be great.

28-11-14, 07:31
I'd get rid of the light so no potheads gather outside my door lol. Has next door got a light ? Let them gather there instead.

I'd get good locks on the doors so I know they're safe. Then just focus on how safe the area is and not on the dangers.
How nice people are.
How quiet it is.

Those converted council blocks in London are full of professionals now aren't they with it being such an expensive place to live. I'm sure it's a really nice place and you have lots of nice people around you. Just focus on this and change your outlook. You get more of what you focus on.

30-11-14, 13:26
What is the first thing it goes through your mind when thinking of security or being safe? Ask yourself this question and you will find the answer. Maybe your door and windows are not safe enough, put new and improved locks, mount an house alarm and why not getting yourself a security watch from a professional security company. This way you will feel much safer in your own home.