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26-11-14, 17:18
My liver enzymes were raised last year and i had a liver scan which was ok, he tested for hepatitis etc. The gastro wanted to do a liver biopsy but i was having other tests for ms and didnt end up having the biopsy.
My back/side and front are hurting with any movement or strain, i feel sick all the time and generally unwell.
Saw my gp this morning and she said my liver felt slightly enlarged but not overly. She took loads of bloods and i see her in 2 weeks to discuss the results and probable referral to gastro again.
I am now worrying with leaving it that it will be serious. Don't want to start getting anxious.

27-11-14, 11:53
Woke up this morning drenched in sweat so worrying more now.

28-11-14, 16:22
How ur gp said ur liver is enlarged without any ultrasound or scan.i had have this type pain and gestro did first ultrasound then fibroscan and many other tests and then told me about my liver status. if any doctor feel ur liver with his hand and tell you that ur liver is enlarged or not than why they do any scan for that.

28-11-14, 17:58
They can sometimes feel with a physical exam of your stomach whether your liver is enlarged.

28-11-14, 18:36
Yes it was just a physical exam and she said it felt slightly enlarged on the edge (don't know what that meant)

28-11-14, 18:39
Yes GP's can tell if you your liver is enlarged by feeling your abdomen. I suffer a lot from right rib pain and my GP usually has a feel of my liver to see if it's ok.

28-11-14, 18:47
Worrying why it's enlarged!! Dr google says i have liver cancer, cirrhosis and autoimmune hepatiitis :blush:

28-11-14, 19:08
I'm sure you know this but don't google. I have done it myself so many times. I diagnosed myself with liver cancer due to my right rib pain and got myself into a right state, I'm sure your liver can be enlarged for less sinister reasons like infection .

29-11-14, 18:18
Today i meet my gastro doctor and asked about it.he said only specilist of abdoman diseses doctor can feel ur liver that its enlarged or not it is not final that what they said.only ultrasound can tell u that it is or not. Sometimes they feel it becouse feeling how soft it is.he said our liver is soft as a slice of bread and when it become hard then it may be enlarged.enlargment may be dew to fatty liver disese not always by any cancer.he also felt mine with his hand also.
So donot worry mate. U will be fine soon .and donot eat any oily food and leave out hard drinks if u are taking.