View Full Version : Freaking out about a pain in my side

26-11-14, 19:55
Ugh, I thought I was over this. I haven't had issues with health anxiety in over two years - but then this comes along and shows that I'll never truly be free from anxiety.

I've got a pain in my right side. It started about halfway up my torso and I thought it was just a stomachache - that was last Thursday. Now it's moved lower, kind of where my hip is, and is more concentrated. My back also hurts at times as well, on the same side. Sometimes there's pain higher up, but mostly it's lower. It sometimes seems to be related to movement but not always and I can't think of anything that would have caused me to pull a muscle or something.

I have wanted so, so badly too Google but I have held off. Of course, I've run the gammut as to what it could be - cyst, some sort of cancer, UTI (which I don't think it is but would be a relief), blockage, or even something terrible I can't even think of. I tell myself to calm down and not give into this anxiety but it's so, so hard.

Since it's been a week and my mother is sick, I went ahead and made a doctor's appointment and I'll go in at the same time she does. I leave in an hour and I'm freaking out. Part of me is optomisic that he'll say it's something harmless. But the rest of me is freaking out that he won't know what it is (more anxiety!) or that it will be something bad.

It's bad enough that it's Thanksgiving tomorrow and family is coming over and I've got a lot of anxiety with guests. And my dog is very reactive (he's new, so my extended family doesn't know about him yet) so I have to fuss about him too. So of course I needed this stress as well.

How did I manage to fall victim to this again?

26-11-14, 20:12
It's a blip - don't give it any more thought than that.
It doesn't mean you'll never be free of HA. I'm guessing the timing has made it seem more serious than it might otherwise be?

My mother used to tell me to wrap up warm, otherwise I would get cold in my kidneys - your symptoms describe what I imagine she meant.
I had terrible pain in the same area a couple of years ago. Urine sample was normal, and it passed without me ever finding out what it was.

Recently, I had a similar pain with low abdominal pain. Again, I had bloods and urine tests and nothing showed up...and it passed after a couple of weeks.

There's a good chance your doctor won't find a cause, because there is no identifiable cause - it might just be one of those things.x

27-11-14, 01:01
Thank you for your answer, chickpea.

My doc felt all over my stomach and there were spots where the pressing caused pain - pretty much in a line. He ordered a CBC (which was totally normal) and a urine sample. Something in my urine was off...not enough to be concerned, but he did mention it.

Anyway, he gave me meds. He ruled out appendecitis and anything serious. He said a cyst was a possiblility, so I'm supposed to come back in if the pain changes or remains. However, he thinks it's something in my urinary tract due to my urine sample and gave me meds for that. If not that, he said that sometimes when women ovulate it can bleed out a bit into the abdomen and be painful. He said that was a possiblity as well - which apparently isn't harmful, just uncomfortable.

I guess I'll see how the meds do. Of course after leaving I kept thinking I was having pains in other places - which is all in my mind and I kind of firmly told myself not to give into the panic. I don't think it's anything serious and I'm just not going to let myself freak out and believe otherwise.

Thanks for your answer, again :). After years of going in with symptoms that were 100% in my head and feeling like I was crazy and wasting his time, I'm glad that at least time there really is a cause and from the sound of it, not a terrible one.