View Full Version : Parkinsons scare

26-11-14, 21:30
Hi everyone, I'm new here and very much disturbed over the idea of Parkinsons. I'm 28 and my older brother who is 38 has MS and was d/x back when he was 21. I've seen what neurological diseases can do and that is why I'm so scared of them. I don't know what triggered this Parkinsons scare, but I have it now and I scrutinize my right hand all the time.

If I sit on a chair with my hands hanging at my sides both arms will move a little (naturally) but if I look closely, I'll see the right hand slightly tremor a bit (maybe a few mm - you really have a look very closely). But this doesn't happen when my hand is flat on the table or on my lap - there is NO movement then. Since the PD tremor is a rest tremor, can I presume that I don't have this then since it doesn't happen when my hand is on the table? Is that alone enough to warrant I don't have a PD tremor?

I have a pulsing artery in my right hand which is visible and it seems that the pulse is correlated with the slight back and forth movement. Is this possible? Why wouldn't it happen with my left arm/hand then?

I don't seem to have any other of the related PD symptoms - I can still lift the same amount of weight at the gym and run on the treadmill. I can cross my arms over my chest with my eyes closed and not lose my balance. I've tried all of those balance tests and I seem to do fine.

I posted on another health anxiety forum and got some feedback but I'm curious what you guys have to say too. I appreciate everyone's feedback!

26-11-14, 21:45
I saw your thread on the other forum and while I'm not a doctor, I'll bet the house (and my Mom's house) that you don't have Parkinson's from what you describe.

Self testing will only feed the dragon and reassurance is a quick fix at best until something else comes along to take the place of Parkinson's. The key is to address the real illness here, anxiety.

Positive thoughts and good luck!

26-11-14, 22:55
Good answer my father died of parkinsons tremour was a small part accompanied by so many other things . If we all look long enough we will see a flinch a twitch or something...ive convinced myself i had parkinsons. Now i wished id not wasted time worrying. One life....live it ;)

26-11-14, 23:09
Good answer my father died of parkinsons tremour was a small part accompanied by so many other things . If we all look long enough we will see a flinch a twitch or something...ive convinced myself i had parkinsons. Now i wished id not wasted time worrying. One life....live it ;)

Pepsi, sorry to hear about your dad. How old was he when he passed and when did he get diagnosed?

27-11-14, 03:26

27-11-14, 16:39
Went to the gym today and after a very intense cardio session I sat down on the bench with my hands in my lap and noticed that my right hand was tremoring a few mm along with my fast heartbeat. I'm scared because why isn't this happening to the left hand? I'm so worried this is PD...

27-11-14, 16:44
Perhaps you have a benign tremor. My husband has this. Had it for many years.
You are doing the right thing by going to the gym x

27-11-14, 16:52
Perhaps you have a benign tremor. My husband has this. Had it for many years.
You are doing the right thing by going to the gym x

Can you explain his situation? Does his happen at rest?

I'm trying to correlate my hand movement with my heartbeat. Seems after the very intense cardio it was moving much more than usual even though the range was the same (mm or two)

27-11-14, 17:03
Not when asleep Rahul or relaxed. It does not seem to bother him. His mother had it too. I have been asked by few if he has PD.x.

27-11-14, 19:07
If this helps, I have pulsating veins and muscles all the time. I also have body jerks and things drop out of my hands sometimes. I will go to move my leg and I can't sometimes. The good news is that I do not have Parkinsons. I have Anxiety Disorder.
My Father had Parkinsons and like you thought I had contracted myself. The nervous system has a vast affect on your body, but it doesn't mean that you have Parkinsons. And, just to confirm, my Father did not have shaky hands or tremors. Hope this helps.