View Full Version : I'm so cared of having a brain tumour

27-11-14, 00:02
I'm a 17 year old and on Sunday, I had the worst headache I've ever had. It lasted from about half three till late at night and I couldn't stop vomiting. (I had previously had a bad head like this the previous Wednesday when I started my period). Anyway, I went to the ER and I had tests done, I was sent to Paediatrics ward because of how much I was vomiting. My blood pressure was slightly high but then went down when I relaxed. I had no aura or dizzy feelings. My sight was also fine but they did some eye tests and found that my right pupil (the side my head was hurting) was slightly dilated but reacting well to light. I responded well to all tests apart from my eye. I went back the day after and had the same problem with my eye, my head wasn't as near as bad. It keeps getting better in fact. I went back today and I have to see an eye doctor tomorrow to check what's wrong with my pupil and if there is pressure, I have to have a brain scan.
IM SO SCARED. I'm so so scared and I don't know how to cope. :ohmy:

27-11-14, 00:29
Wow--that headache sounded like a doozy. Have you ever been diagnosed with migraine headaches? I know they can cause vomiting.

27-11-14, 00:50
No, I haven't! They think it might be a migraine but they are not sure. My mum gets migraines though.

27-11-14, 01:02
I can understand how scared you are. It's good though, that you had none of the other scary symptoms. It could be a hormonal thing, since it seemed to coincide with the start of your period.

Try not to worry and the docs will get to the bottom of it soon.