View Full Version : Woken by racing heart

27-11-14, 02:21
Hi has nyone ever woken by racing heart? Ive often got yhis during the night tacing heart short of breath, sweaty and clammy is this anxiety, ive had lots of tests fone re heart and all ok. Ive irregular heart beat but its sinus rythem its very scary and i try to relax with deep breathin but hard at times when you are short of breath. Any tips to help slow down ive done breathing, coughing, water on pulse areas but can take up to an hour to settle. Then i get pain around heart area like an ache? Seriously i need reassurance from others in same situation please:weep:

27-11-14, 02:27
Hi Pipps,

Yes. I experience racing heart almost everyday the past month. Sometimes I feel it as I'm asleep but i experience it for sure when I wake up from nap or sleep. i also have clammy hands almost everyday, comes and goes throughout the day sadly, along with nausea and other anxiety symptoms. My heart palpitation is usually for some reason why i wake up only, once I'm awake, I'm okay.

27-11-14, 10:50
I never wake up with fast heart rate, but sometimes my heart starts racing as soon as I stand up in the morning. It goes from 70bpm to 150bpm in less than 2 minutes, then it comes back to normal rhythm as soon as I "calm down". I'm 100% sure it is anxiety, I even know when it's going to happen, when I'm more anxious. Your case is a little different, but similar in some way. Hope u get better, good luck