View Full Version : on and on and on it goes

05-01-07, 17:09
hey guys

woke up with tension and anx, tried cleaning, relaxing tape, had just got myself settled then bam outta nowhere it his me, really really bad tension, in my left side, all through my back, breast, shoulder neck and face, outta no where, even my upper jaw feels it.

i have been going on and on about this now for the last 12 months to the docs, its always in the same area and tehy always say the same thing.

now they want me to have a heart tape done, FFS i haf 4 ecg's done last year all perfect, blood pressure is fine, pulse normal,

what good is a heart tape gonna do?

pls pls pls someone tell me this is defo just anx, i wanna believe it i really do, even had a good day yesterday , went for a 45 min walk and even stood in a busy post office que on my own, then later that night bam it came back.

and now this evening its here again and wont shift, even after tring everything, vreathing, relaxation cd, and cleaning.

im at a loss with this.

05-01-07, 18:05
Steve Steve Steve,

YOU HAVE HEALTH ANXIETY. Stop beating yourself up please. We are all here for you and you are not alone. xxx

Take Care


05-01-07, 19:19
I suggest a lovely full body massage.

You can get people to come to your house to do it for about £20-£30. Well worth it.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

05-01-07, 19:24

I know how you're feeling. Often get something similar myself. Had a really bad tension headache last week that went on for days. I could feel it in my head and face, and my neck and shoulders felt stiff and sore. Of course, I imagined it to be a symptom of just about any illmess that you could imagine. But it went in time, like always. I had a really good day today and you will too.

Take care,

05-01-07, 20:26
Hi Steve,

This is defo anxiety hunni, I think you should take Nicolas suggestion and go with that.

Hugs to you


06-01-07, 02:09
i agree with nicola, go treat yourself to a massage!!

susan bunny
06-01-07, 10:53
hi did u have the symptoms before anxiety or get anxiety because of these symptoms


06-01-07, 12:23
no i got them after anxiety, just unsure of why and how long they last

susan bunny
06-01-07, 13:09
me 2 aching joints and really sore legs

trying pilates next week

all kind thoughts
