View Full Version : hair stuck in windpipe, can't stop coughing? help!

27-11-14, 03:00
I have an angora rabbit and it's shedding a lot. This morning I got a hair stuck in my esophagus and it went down the wrong way into my trachea. After hours of coughing and drinking water it finally came up. I thought I was imagining it but there it was, and I fished it out. Now I have another piece of hair stuck in my windpipe. I tried coughing eating bread etc but nope it's still there and I can feel it when I breathe. I can still get enough air but I'm worried I could choke on it if it goes any further. If it isn't out by morning should i see a doctor? I just want it to go away but I can feel it and it's making me gag too. Everytime it almost comes up, I try to swallow it down and it just goes back towards my trachea. I've tried grabbing it but it's too far down. What do I do? I'm scared I'll choke to death on it :/

27-11-14, 03:06
Goodness. Talk about having a hairball. :huh:

It's gotta get dislodged one way or the other, don't you think? When you think of all the stuff that we eat that goes down the wrong way but eventually dislodges, I can't imagine a bitty old piece of rabbit fur would be your undoing. Maybe try something that will make you burp, like something for indigestion.