View Full Version : Worrying about not being anxious!!

27-11-14, 14:36
The last few weeks i have felt sick, pain in my back/side and under my rib which are all on my right. I went to my doctors yesterday and she did loads of bloods and felt my abdomen and said my liver felt slightly enlarged but not overly. I woke up this morning drenched in sweat. I have been quite calm about it all but i am thinking it's going to be this one time that i don't worry and become anxious that it will be something serious. Anyone else ever think like this?

27-11-14, 14:39
it is crap isn't it.... If we don't worry then we worry about not worrying and think that we should be worrying about it.

but just go with the feeling of calm and try not to worry

27-11-14, 16:29
Haha I can relate as I used to wake up sometimes and if I didn't feel shaky or anxious I would start worrying "what the hell is wrong with me - this isn't normal"

Good god, I cringe when I remember what I used to be like. :doh:

28-11-14, 08:33
Its a Schema (belief) issue. I've heard this one loads of times on here or in charity walk-in groups.

We get so used to the new 'normal' that any difference means we question it. Look up Schema's and you will see how it works such as this http://media.psychology.tools/Worksheets/English/Schema_Formulation.pdf?

Its all part of acceptance again but we have to learn to accept that we can get better or be better and this can feel very alien to us.