View Full Version : Panic attacks back and pregnant

27-11-14, 15:39
I used to suffer horrendously from panic attacks but managed to over come them but I've been having one long one for the last 2 days and I can't shift the feeling I've been to doctors and rang many different helplines I can't cope I am scared of the panic attacks so that's not helping I have a 4 year old and 4 month old and pregnant again :( I don't know what to do I can't go on like this again please help xx

27-11-14, 18:43
First try to see if you can find the cause of your latest panic attacks and why they have returned. Many times panic attacks appear for no reason but sometimes they can be caused by something you can clearly identify. Next use you mind to overcome the panic, you should try behavioral therapy because there you will learn effective methods of stopping a panic attack and also how to prevent it from occurring.

There are some powerful techniques for stopping a panic attack but this is only a small part of the problem, you first learn how to stop then but the final step is to learn how to prevent them for appearing.

Best of luck!

28-11-14, 19:51
I am in a very similar position at the moment. I attribute it to pregnancy hormones. The focus of my panic is completely different to before, and even when I feel I'm winning against the anxious thoughts, my body is still going crazy. Even on a good night I can't lie still in bed. I really feel your pain.
I will send you a brief message to "make contact", but don't feel you have to reply.
Take care.