View Full Version : Sorry for posting AGAIN but I'm seriously worried!

27-11-14, 19:43
My son had a node swell up in is neck just below his ear/under jaw back in February. He's seen the dr 3 times and also a paediatrician who have said its normal for them to come up and never go back down.

Fast forward to about 4 weeks ago and my son started with a mild cough, this has since turned in to a full blow cold. He was really pale the other day then was fine the next day. He had a night sweat the other night (just head area) and he's having major tantrums. He seemed to have his appetite back yesterday and this morning. However, I have just picked him up from his grandmas and she has told me he's hardly eaten anything. He doesn't have a temperature. He's also really pale again! He's commented a few times while we've been walking that his knees/legs hurt but that's been going on for a month or two.

My question is, is it normal to have a cold last so long and to be so up and down? His neck node hasn't changed at all. He's got a couple on his head but only very slightly up. Please help!!!

If it was something to worry about would he constantly be pale?

27-11-14, 20:23
My son had one for years and so has my grandson. Colds can take a while to go. How old is your son? If he continues to feel unwell then maybe have the doc take another look at him but the fact that he doesn't have a temperature is a good sign :)

27-11-14, 20:40
He's 4. He saw a dr a couple of weeks ago just before his cold started as he had swollen tonsils. One of them had been up for months so went to get it checked. She had no concerns about him whatsoever, even feeling all over his tummy. xx

27-11-14, 21:11
I am sure he will be fine, colds can take a while to get rid of and it will be making him feel weak. If he gets any worse though I would take him back xx

27-11-14, 21:35
Ok, thank you Annie :)

27-11-14, 22:04
It does not sound worrying at all to me. A cold can take a long time to get over.
Children are often pale, if it's not all the time then I would not worry.

Lymph nodes in children tend to stay big once they have become enlarged. I still have lymph nodes in my neck that popped up when I was about 7!

27-11-14, 22:46
Thank you Justina! I really appreciate the replies! xx

Catherine S
28-11-14, 00:45
At 4 years old its normal to have tantrums, its also normal to have aches and pains in his legs...growing pains they call it. When I read your first post and you said that he'd seen the doctor three times I assumed he was an adult until I read the rest of it....you mean you have taken him to see the doctor three times. He is a 4 year old and will pick up various colds and viruses over the years to come while he mixes with other children at school etc. Try not to project your health anxieties onto him.


28-11-14, 07:53
Not 3 times for different things. I went once with the lump and then the Dr wanted to see him again after 2 weeks and then again 2 weeks after that to measure it etc. on the last visit when it hadn't gone but hadn't grown either, the Dr referred him to a paediatrician to be on the safe side. He's been to the Drs for that and the other week for his tonsils. So twice in four years for a mum with HA isn't bad going! :D I am much better with him than I am myself as I am very aware of what you mentioned above regarding projecting my HA on to him.

Catherine S
28-11-14, 13:43
Thanks for explaining, that makes it clearer, and glad that you are aware about the HA projection...its so easy to do it as I know from past experience myself. Take care.


28-11-14, 14:04
My son is 3 now. Last year we went through something similar. In Feb we noticed a lymph node - very prominent. He had just had the flu, so I didn't stress too much. But 2 months later, he still had colds, and still had the node.

He was also very pale, and a lot of the time didn't eat.

I saw the dr, and he said he thought it was a normal node. But he would schedule an ultrasound and take it from there.

I was very worried - and the ultrasound was 2 months away. He had 2 other nodes also - including one near his collar.

Well he had the ultrasound last July. The node was normal - just a superficial (near skin) node. Normal for kids. He had one the same size on the other size., but it was deeper so I couldn't feel it.

Fast forward 6 months. He is still fussy. Still gets cold. And the node is still there - but not as worrying since I know what it is. I sure your son is the same.

28-11-14, 19:03
Thanks ISB, you too :)

---------- Post added at 19:03 ---------- Previous post was at 19:02 ----------

Thank you Robin, that's good to hear! I just really need to get a grip! :D