View Full Version : Hi Everyone!

05-01-07, 18:20
My name is Bal and I had my first panic attack in March last year. Their frequency has gradually increased over the year and the culmination was me spending Christmas admitted to a hospital ward (from A&E) 400 miles away from home and family. That was the scariest attack ever.

Since then, it's so weird..I'm fine in my own home..but as soon as I enter any Supermarket, shop, building, etc..the sensations start.

I must thank you all for helping me understand this predicament through this fantastic site!

I'd just like to share my feeling with others who are affected the same way.

I hope I can conquer this...

05-01-07, 18:34
:DHeya Sabr,

A warm Welcome to NMP and looking foward to meeting you. Please come into chat when you feel comfortable, its lovely to talk to others who experience the same feelings and can empathise.

Glad you found us and another welcome

love Sax xxx[8D]:D

05-01-07, 18:46
Hi Sabr

A BIG warm welcome to you, lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice here on NMP while making new friends on the way.:D
Take a look at the first Step pages they may help.

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

05-01-07, 18:48
Hi Bal

A warm welcome aboard. Hope we can be of some help.

I assume the hospital gave you a clean bill of health?

Have you spoken to your GP about things and has he suggested some counselling or CBT?


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

05-01-07, 19:38
Hi Bal,

A big warm welcome to you.

Take Care


05-01-07, 21:13
Wow! Thanks everyone for such a lovely warm welcome. I still can't beleive that I've been suffering for the last 9 months, hyperventilating, going 'crazy' in public places, particularly supermarkets, and thinking the worst...

Nicola..Thank you so much for your support..I have been to the rapid access chest pain clinic..to eliminate any heart condition..all okay..when I was admitted recently they did a CT brain scan and 48 hour heart trace..all okay too... then I was seen by a respiratory physiotherapist who taught me how to breathe properly..from the belly..and to be honest, since christmas I have been able to avoid calling an ambulance as I am coping a lot better by breathing consciously. One thing I'd like to ask if anyone else feels this..is that my head always feels as though it has a tight band around it..I have searched on the internet for this symptom and it does point to anxiety but what I don't understand is that can you be anxious about something without knowing what it is? Aplogies if this post is long and if I've posted in the wrong place.

Andrea..Thank you ever so much for pointing me to the first step pages. Absolutely indispensable priceless information. This, for me, really is a mind thing. I really do beleive that a portal like this one will certainly help all us 'sufferers' to work towards conquering this 'thing'.

05-01-07, 22:04

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain'

06-01-07, 13:12
Hi there Bal,

Welcome to the site you'll find all the help you need here , everyone is great.

Take care

shirley xx

06-01-07, 20:47
Hey Bal

This place is fantastic- welcome.
