View Full Version : First day on anti depressants.

27-11-14, 20:40
So hey, it's been 4 days, 4 threads.
Today I started taking Paroxetine.
I'm taking 20mg each day.
An hour after taking the pill I got a horrible rush in my heart and I felt like I was gonna puke and faint, this lasted for like 2 hours.
After that I stopped feeling so scared about all the things I've been thinking lately, but the trade off was that Im super trembly and shaky at every move I do.

Any thoughts? :huh:

28-11-14, 05:48
Side effects, hunni, that's all it is. I know, it's rough. But the good news is that the worst of it passes within days. I found I HAD to eat something substantial before taking my meds. And having regular meals plus frequent snacks helps with the nausea. That and the palps should be the first side effects to go. They may reoccur occasionally, especially with changes in dosing, but they won't be nearly as bad, I promise!
Marie :hugs:

28-11-14, 14:26
I took paroxetine (paxil) many years ago for anxiety. It worked ok but the main side effect for me was sleepiness. I then switched to Zoloft and that was much better side effect wise. You have to give anti-depressants time to work (a few weeks) before they take full effect

28-11-14, 15:27
Also you might just be freaked out that you've taken a new pill. The first time I started taking meds I cried BECAUSE I was taking meds, not because it was a side effect to cry.

As Starman says, give it a few weeks to see the effect it has on you. You have to be patient with meds.

28-11-14, 15:52
Okay, day two on Paroxetine (a.k.a. Paxil)
So, yesterday, as the drug left my system, bad thoughts started coming in a horrible rush and before I noticed I was ultra worried again about my fears of ALS.
On the other hand, I think the drug made me very sleepy so at 10PM I was knocked down on my bed.
Bad luck for me I was wide awake at 3am, had one of the worst nights in my life. I woke up thinking the worst kind of things and I couldnt take them out of my head. I was awake until 6am.

28-11-14, 18:00
I had a similar experience the first couple of times I took Citalopram.
You could try cutting the tablets in half and only taking 10mg for a week or so, until your body adjusts - I started on 20mg but had to change down to 10mg straight away, because I had horrendous side effects.

It will get better, but it can take a few weeks.