View Full Version : Constant worry for myself/family

27-11-14, 23:47
Hi everyone,
I don't normally post oh here! But I'm feeling lost on a way forward! I'm sick of feeling this way! Iv been battling health anxiety for nearly nine years and can honestly say I'm no better in dealing with it!
I'm pretty much constantly worrying about myself, husband or kids are going to get some awful illness! Or something bad happen! I feel it is always round the corner! Every little germ or symptom my kids get I always think of worse case scenario! I scare myself silly goggling symptoms!
I just do know what to do anymore Iv been to the doctors many times Iv been on and off fluoxetine tablets over the years, I'm back on them now :-( I think they help a bit & Iv been on a waiting list for cbt for a year, but am still waiting!

Why do I feel like this? I want to enjoy life as I know I'm very lucky to have what I have, but am constantly worrying it will be taken from me!!!!!

Thanks for reading xxx

28-11-14, 00:01
I'm glad you decided to post. There's many people here who are exactly where you are. Know you're not alone. :hugs:

28-11-14, 10:19
I am exactly like you. Actually I could have written that, word by word.

I have tried CBT but I did not accept it. I feel more safe when I am always looking for symptoms etc. Probably because my father was diagnosed too late and died.

I am afraid that I will pass my HA on to my kids...

28-11-14, 10:41
I am exactly the same and have just booked myself on to a hypnotherapy session to see if that helps. My mum has offered to pay for it for me as I am worrying her that much. I am scared I will pass it on to my kids too. Although they think I am mad!! I am also awaiting a re-referral to CBT

28-11-14, 22:28
Just wanted to say thank you for the replies. It really is comforting to know I'm not alone! I know all mothers worry about there kids but I seem to take it to a whole new level :-(
I try to hide my fears from them as much as possible as I really don't want them to be like me when their older!
I'm hoping the cbt when I finally get an appointment, helps me!

Good luck everyone

01-12-14, 09:45
I know just how you feel, I feel the same about myself and worry terribly about my two children. Every cold is leukemia, every pain is something deadly. My youngest who is 5 is starting to get annoyed with me. He has had a stomach bug, cold and bad cough in a space of three weeks, so of course I'm on VERY HIGH ALERT! Checking him constantly, taking temperature, checking for swollen glands etc. He is saying "stop it mum, stop feeling my body!" omg it is bad isn't it! I feel I can't enjoy my children with all the constant what ifs. I tried cbt for a little while, but hated the not checking, not goin to the docs for reassurance. I would love to give it another go though as I can't go on like this, my children will be just as bad as me, and I would hate that, as it's an awful way to think. I miss the care free days when illness and disease was just a small part of life and not an everyday worry. Just thought I'd post, because I feel like I'm going mad sometimes, but I know others are going through similar stuff.