View Full Version : Help with panic attacks?

28-11-14, 00:07
Don't really no how to start or what to really say, I had my first panic attack about 6 months ago, at the time I smoked it of cannabias and that night smoked something different (a legal high) I've stopped all that now as I reliased it was doing me no good, but anyway my first panic attack came after I took the legal high and first I just thought I was tripping but suddenly I started feeling my heart beat rapidly and was so convinced I was dying I was crying to my family members and woke them all up as I truely believed I was going to die, I blamed it on the weed thinking it was nothing more than a trip, few weeks later I tried weed again and again I started panic this time I was sure I was going insane, everything felt like de ja vu, even little things like what I said and done felt like the last time, during the panic attack I looked online and that's when I reliased it was a panic attack which calmed me down a lot, I've not had any as bad as the previous two but every now and again, mainly before bed I get this feeling in my stomach and (this bits hard to admit) I hear a voice in my head and it's telling me I'm having a panic attack and then when I think to myself I know I'm
Not the i then hear the voice saying you thought this last time, I'm basically just wandering am I going insane or is this something that comes with pain attack side effects, I suffer from anexity and slight depression some times, my dad suffered quite heavily at one stage aswell.

Sorry for it being so long and I'm not sure what I'm asking or expecting I just needed to talk to someone as it's really hard trying to explain to family members (my mum) as she Dosent suffer from it and talking to my dad gets me no where haha. It's just difficult to explain to anyone that's never had a panic attack I guess :)

I'm only 20, is this something that I'm just going to have to deal with or will it go away or settle down at all?

02-12-14, 00:06
Hi Dan,

Your experience sounds like what a lot of us have had. I also sometimes get the "voice in my head" thing, which is basically my inner voice but it doesn't seem like my own and is really terrifying.

For some people, it settles down. I would definitely recommend not doing the drugs anymore as you will probably always be susceptible to panic attacks. If you don't feel you're getting better, speak to your GP! You can get therapy and/or medication to help.

Hope this helps :hugs:

02-12-14, 09:23
Hello Dan, I've been there before... I too have smoked weed and I've learned that it isn't for me, why? Well the WORST panic attack I've had which was truly a frightening experience was brought on by smoking cannabis.

I'd suggest if weed brings on any panic symptoms at all, I'd avoid smoking it. I myself have not smoked it since. The high from weed is not enough to make me want to face another terrible panic attack.

Instead of chasing a temporary high, try something longer... Ever got into spirituality? My word of faith beliefs has helped me tremendously. If faith isn't your thing, try something else like riding a bike, relaxing in a nice warm bath with music playing.

A new hobby is always nice. Also I find pets to be quite therapeutic.

02-12-14, 11:23
Hi Dan,

Your experience sounds like what a lot of us have had. I also sometimes get the "voice in my head" thing, which is basically my inner voice but it doesn't seem like my own and is really terrifying.

For some people, it settles down. I would definitely recommend not doing the drugs anymore as you will probably always be susceptible to panic attacks. If you don't feel you're getting better, speak to your GP! You can get therapy and/or medication to help.

Hope this helps :hugs:

Thanks:) yeah inner voice is the word I was trying, I haven't touched the weed since, Infact I completely quit smoking all together not long after, It gets a lot better but every now and again I feel like I'm back to square one but I've started to learn how to talk myself out off the start off a panic attack & how to completely just take the thoughts out off my mind so it's a lot easier.

Thanks for your reply :)

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:20 ----------

Hello Dan, I've been there before... I too have smoked weed and I've learned that it isn't for me, why? Well the WORST panic attack I've had which was truly a frightening experience was brought on by smoking cannabis.

I'd suggest if weed brings on any panic symptoms at all, I'd avoid smoking it. I myself have not smoked it since. The high from weed is not enough to make me want to face another terrible panic attack.

Instead of chasing a temporary high, try something longer... Ever got into spirituality? My word of faith beliefs has helped me tremendously. If faith isn't your thing, try something else like riding a bike, relaxing in a nice warm bath with music playing.

A new hobby is always nice. Also I find pets to be quite therapeutic.

Thanks:) my worst one was my first from when smoking weed but I quit all that basically because of the same reason you said, the high just wasn't worth it, I've done a few meditation things online & use an app called mind space which helps a lot, talking about pets we got a boxer puppy at the weekend and I can see what you mean:) takes your mind away from a lot of things:)

Thanks for your reply:))

02-12-14, 13:59
You're welcome :)

I used to own a pit bull mix, she was one of the best dogs... Unfortunately one day she was gone, I think someone hauled her off because she was a good guard dog. Now I raise chickens and chicks I hatch from the incubator, 2 cats, 1 German Shepherd, and 1mini lop rabbit. I have a total of 11 animals so far, of course I want more though lol. My chickens are like pets to me, they're not food either ;3.

02-12-14, 15:28
Awww that's a shame :( love pit bulls, such misunderstood dogs

Wow haha that's a fair few animials, yeah my neighbour has 3/4 chickens, make some noise in the morning haha