View Full Version : light at the end of the tunnel feel great

28-11-14, 03:00
hi all just wanted to post this as my ha has virtually disappeared just 7 months ago I was a mess couldn't go out much constant pa trips to a+e constant 111 calls and sometimes 4 ambulances a week !!! I woke one day all those months back and decided I wanted to go for a walk which was very unlike me , so I done it and panicked the whole time but managed it , that night I had a great sleep which hadn't occurred much in 5 years ive suffered with ha pa etc , little by little I started going for more walks and of course ignoring my fast pulse being dizzy and all the other wonderful things anxiety offers , fast forward a few months I was walking 9 mile a day, and home went from being my prison to a place I only visit to sleep, I started going to shops the cinema all those things non anx sufferers see as mundane the transformation has been crazy , anyway fast forward another couple of month I had to visit a+e due to an injury non anx related (lol) and the nurse took my bp and pulse etc , now being a live in a small town the nurses all know me rofl ,and the nurse after doing my pulse started to laugh, I asked why ? she said I looked at your pulse from the 100,s of times you have been here and its normaly 96 which considering panic anything between 60/100 is normal , she said your pulse is 56bpm I was astounded !!! I sat there calm no sweaty palms or any ill feeling I felt great she asked if the panic had subsided I said had no pa for months, still get a few reminders but my mind dismisses it and it leaves as quick as it came I said my pulse is probably better due to exercise , I was so unfit , I still am in some respects but any exercise made me panic , I couldn't cope feeling my heart pounding in my chest and throat even my ears , and why im saying all this is because they say exercise helps , I scoffed at the idea but I tell you now I wish I had done it sooner , don't get me wrong its hard but everyone on here is so strong if they can live through the nightmare of ha they can get through im not 100% but I can live now im not scared anymore its like my mind went , well enough of that lets have some fun and the crazy thing is when a non sufferer says ohhh its all in the mind ( you think you cheeky **** how dare you ) but they were right since my mind has stopped playing tricks the change has been amazing and I would like to thank all the people who helped me on here at my darkest times, ive kept this post quite fun but I have been there so I wont get into much detail but please keep being strong I never thought I could feel well again I just wanted to die , but ive found life and its great,so I wish you all the best and I hope there is more stories of joy

28-11-14, 11:45
That's excellent news and I hope it inspires others going through the same thing. The thing that helped me the most was the cognitive behaviour therapy, but I actually had that a good 7 years ago and feel I could benefit from another course.
I'm so glad the walking helped for you and they do say it is very good for the mind. I was thinking of taking up dancing as I've always wanted to dance and it's the only exercise I think I would enjoy but at the moment I'm just too plagued with health worries :weep:

28-11-14, 12:26
That's great news iain. I was in the same boat as you with exercise - i'm not that fit, and it felt horrible to start going to the gym, although slowly getting better at it now.

Hope you get out into the light soon :)

28-11-14, 15:20
Great post. I hope many read this and are inspired to take the steps toward healing!

Positive thoughts

28-11-14, 15:33
well done !

28-11-14, 18:02
Thank you folks and especially you fishmanpa you replied to all my posts when I was at my worst 😀😀😀

28-11-14, 18:53
Great post. Reading these kind of posts makes me very happy:yesyes:

28-11-14, 19:13
Brilliant Iainm. This is just what we need to hear and I am so pleased for you. :)

28-11-14, 19:22
That is brilliant Ianm - well done :)

28-11-14, 22:39
Well done.
After reading your post it has inspired me to start exercising again! I was going out walking/running during the summer and don't think I had hardly any ha worries but as soon the weather turned I stopped! And guess what my Ha is back with a vengeance.
I definitely think your on to something.

04-12-14, 05:00
hi all thankyou for the kind replies , I cant stress this enough exercise is the way forward !!!! and I now laugh because I read on here about 8 months ago exercise is the key and thought what a lunatic I cant exercise I will die if I do it was the last thing on my mind was to do anything to increase my heart rate, but my god it helped so much!!! my sleeping pattern is still off but everyday is so much easier once I get back to normal sleeping its onwards and upwards ,just a little everyday its not a race but if you can manage it you will reap the benefits,take care all and be strong