View Full Version : Obsession 101, or how to go seriously insane

28-11-14, 03:38
So in my endless quest to figure out why I have this hematuria, I discontinued taking the Omega 3 capsules and ordered a box of Hemastix to test my urine.

First attempt I screwed up. You're supposed to dip the stick in the urine, then wait 60 seconds before comparing it to the colour guide. Instead, I left the stick in the urine for 60 secs. :doh: Needless to say the results weren't pretty.

After I figured out my error, I tested my urine a few times over the next few days and it came up as having small amounts of occult blood (options go from none, trace, small, moderate, and many). Bottom line, it's still the same. So much for my grand Omega experiment.

I had the abdominal ultrasound last Tuesday morning, and haven't heard a thing. I assume it means that nothing urgent showed up. Or there is something serious wrong and the radiologist is incompetent and irresponsible for not contacting my GP. Or my GP was contacted by the radiologist but is incompetent and irresponsible for not contacting me. In my crazed, stressed mind, the possibilities are endless.

To demonstrate how crazy and desperate I've become, I went to two different bladder cancer support sites. How that's supposed to make me feel better I don't know. Of course there were women there who had microscopic hematuria with no symptoms, just like me, and were subsequently diagnosed with bladder cancer. Then I surfed the net to find other women who had my symptoms and are fine. Then I sob, take an ativan, and play endless bubble shooter games on the NMP site.

I don't know if I would feel quite this mental if I didn't have two prior experiences with cancer. Regardless, the past two months have been hell. If the urologist doesn't give me good news, I'm not even gonna wait until he finishes the cystoscopy-- I'm gonna wrap my ankles around his sorry neck and choke the shit out of him.:mad:

28-11-14, 04:53
Lol! You're too funny, Canbud! :roflmao:

28-11-14, 15:57
Lol! You're too funny, Canbud! :roflmao:

too crazy, more likely.:wacko:

I think I asked you in a different thread but can't recall....did you have a cystoscopy booked, Marie?