View Full Version : Worrying about dizziness

28-11-14, 11:31
I have been lightheaded and dizzy since June. I have been to the doctors and they have told me there is nothing wrong with me. I do have low blood pressure so get dizzy when I stand up but this is happening all the time. Plus my head hurts so much. I am so worried I am ill and need to go back to work on Monday (had the last two weeks off due to anxiety). I can feel my anxiety building up again today as I get closer to going back to work. But my head has hurt all week. Do you think there is something seriously wrong with me?

I have emetophobia and so scared that it will make me sick. Especially as the anxiety is making me feel sick

28-11-14, 15:30
Hi, Dizziness is one of the most anxiety causing symptoms for me.. Ive had spells of it 3 times in 12 years , each lasting months.. I too had various tests done and it seems that tension in shoulders/neck is a big cause of it. What does your dizziness feel like ??