View Full Version : Arghhh! Health Anxiety and useless doctors!!

28-11-14, 11:39
Having a bit of a nightmare. About a yr ago I suddenly came out with loads of Campbell De Morgan spots, they were just appearing every day. I'd already had a few for years and wasn't bothered by them as they're not supposed to be serious, however I was horrified when I kept getting more and more. Doc said it's to do with age and they're harmless. I told her I have health anxiety and she said "honestly, they're harmless, go online and look them up" :huh:
I thought that wasn't a great thing to say to someone with this type of anxiety, but looked it up and mostly it said they're harmless, but I found a few sites that said that if you suddenly get loads at once you could be low in iodine, which if left untreated causes cancer.
So I told the doc all of this and she said we wont check iodine levels, if you want to take a supplement you can. i said I already did but had an allergic reaction, so she said "Don't take them then". ??
Anyway I gradually talked myself into realising that some of this is the anxiety and not to worry too much.
So yesterday I went along to the doc as I was having irregular periods and she said it could be age (I'm 41), or it could be because you have under active thyroid. I said "Do I?" and she said yes, the blood test we did 6 months ago shows that. I HAD NO IDEA!
Nobody bothered to tell me. But anyway, I'm ok with it, I know it's not serious and they'll give me tablets for it. But then I googled it...:wacko:
Apparently the main cause is low iodine levels. So back to see doc today who was absolutely useless and completely waved the idea away that any of it is connected. I asked for some more CBT as the last time I had it was 7 yrs ago and I feel it's got bad again. He was so rubbish and insensitive. He didn'treally answer, just kept tapping away at his computer. Then he said "anything else?"
i said "Yes, can I have some more cbt?" :scared15:

I do understand that half of this is health anxiety, i know I've got fixated on something that might kill me but part of it is a genuine fear that they've missed something somewhere. Feel sick with worry and like it's taking over. i also told the docotr that I didn't want him to look at my file and say ahh she's got health anxiety, we're not gonna take her seriously. And he didn't even answer!
Sorry for the looong rant :blush:

28-11-14, 14:46

I am 40 and I have noticed more of these red spots appearing. I freaked out the first time I saw it!

If you want to increase your iodine levels eat fish, jacket potato (it's in the skin) and yogurt and strawberries :)