View Full Version : Extremely worried about MS

28-11-14, 18:13
So I am 21 year old male. I have been worrying about ms for 2 years now. I have bad anxiety and especially about my health. Here are my symptoms some of which I have seen the doctor about and gotten explanations but not sure if I belivie.

Fatigue and tiredness all the time

Shaking of arms and hand on occasion (could be from working out to hard)

Shocking feeling in chest and ribs when deep laughing or coughing (doc said due to muscle inflammation) anti inflamitories help this but gets worse when dehydrated or hungover.

I have impinged uldra nerves I'm both elbows. Obviously I get shocking feeling from my elbow to my pinky fingers but is it normal to get it in my upper arm shoulder as well? And in my forearm mostly when I'm dehydrated or hungover on again

Tight neck and back pain

Constant twitching in calves that I can see

And just recently this weird feeling in my neck and lower jaw like a buzzing feeling. I'm thinking it may be from stiff neck.

Thank you for reading my post. I'm really nervous and am trying to over come this fear. I just also wanted to let everyone know that I'm in very good shape and go to the gym almost every day. Sometimes my legs and arms get some what shaky. Like an example when my right arm is held on a computer mouse it is kinda shaky when it is extended. Almost like a quiver. Please let me know whah you guys think, I've talked to my doctor and they all said it is very unlikely for a male of my age to have ms. If you could please try and put my mind at rest it would be extremely appreciated! Thank you!!!!