View Full Version : hello 👋

28-11-14, 21:25
Hello guys & girls!!

I'm Calley - 23, mother of two with an angel in heaven.
I suffer from SEVERE health anxiety which has gotten worse since losing my daughter.
I also have bipolar (type 2).

My HA has worsened immensly lately, so much so that I am currently seeing the crisis team and will shortly begin cognitive behavioural therapy.
I have chosen tonight to sign up because I am experiencing pain in my upper mid quadrant, below mu sternum next to my ribs kinda, it only really occurs when I straighten from slouching/bending and when I press on the area but naturally I now have one of the following; lung cancer, liver cancer, peptic ulcer/stomach cancer....

I have tried rationalizing by saying its probably muscular since when I am still I am okay...
But it isnt working... i am on the verge of a hospital visit.

This is SO tiring 😒

28-11-14, 21:30
Hiya Calley91 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-11-14, 21:47
Nice to meet you calley

28-11-14, 23:31
Being rational is difficult to do when you are worrying about your health. Before trying to be rational, try calming techniques first. Breathing exercises, taking a walk, distracting yourself with a game you may enjoy playing, talking to a friend on the phone, or taking a bath are a few techniques you can try. A personal technique that works well for me is to sit outside and shiver in the cold. The shivering helps bring me back to reality and distracts my mind from pains.

When you are successful in bringing yourself back to your center, THEN try to rationalize your pains. You can even rationalize your pains with a close friend or family member, if you are able and willing. In a calmer state of mind, you will be more apt to believe yourself when you tell yourself its probably just muscle pain - and I bet that's all it is, too! :)

29-11-14, 12:41
Thankyou for your replies - pain is less today but I am still a mess over it all.
Feeling very tired and defeated. Want to sleep forever at the mo.