View Full Version : Three good days - but on edge tonight and need some kind words :)

28-11-14, 22:40
Hey everyone,

It's been a few days since I've posted. At the start of the week I was suffering badly from an increase in anxiety - I put it down to the increased Sertraline dose.

But then since Tuesday things started to feel ok - by no means "normal", but just felt things were easier. Was socialising again and felt more interested in my work. I didn't feel so fearful and was beginning to feel positive about the future.

Unfortunately tonight i've started to feel really restless again. Like a really terrible restless feeling in my legs. I've been told this could be down to the increased Sertraline - but when I feel restless, the anxiety shoots up because I just can't relax.

I'm now on day 10 of 100mg of sertraline, so could this still be a side effect? I thought side effects should have cleared up by now.

Anyway, i'm trying to keep in mind that I had 3 relatively good days and doing my best to hold on to that

Thanks again for allowing me to vent!


28-11-14, 22:48
Hey Ryan - wondered where you'd got to. :)

3 good days versus 1 less good evening = progress!

Here's what works for me.
When I feel the anxiety sensations starting to surface, I mentally remind myself they are harmless and say to myself, "It's just me and some adrenaline - do your worst...bring it on!"
As soon as I do, the symptoms kind of evaporated - because I've faced them and accepted them.
Go with the feelings - let your legs tremble, in fact encourage them to. Do not resist! Anxiety is a bully, and if you stand your ground, it melts away.

28-11-14, 23:01
Hey ChickPea!

Lovely to hear from you again. Yes I really do need to see the positives of this week. The last three days have given me hope and I can't let tonight set me back. If I look back to how I felt that weekend, 4 weeks ago when I was so scared, crying all the time and about to call the doctor - then I know i've definitely made progress since then.

Had a counselling session yesterday which went well. And my GP actually called me on Wednesday to see how I was getting on with the increased dose - that has never happened before and made me feel like she actually understands.

How has your week been? Can't believe is December 1st on Monday - I have zero Christmas shopping done

Ryan x

28-11-14, 23:24
Maybe your counselling session caught up with you tonight, subconsciously?
It's great that your GP is looking after you. :yesyes:

Bit of a mixed week here. I went to the GP, just to check my fast heart rate after my brother's hospital stay last weekend, and expected to be told it's anxiety. However, I've now been referred to cardiology for a scan and 24 monitor, and had an ECG in the surgery yesterday.:ohmy:
Today was great, though - I started my Christmas shopping!
Going to take my children to a Christmas tree festival tomorrow and make gingerbread with them. :D

Anything nice planned for the weekend,Ryan?

28-11-14, 23:51
Hi Guys. 3 good v 1 not so good, sounds like ok numbers to me Ryan! You go ahead and vent, that's why we're here. Sounds to me like you are getting a handle on it. Sure, you will have dips, but that's ok. I have no doubt it's the change in dose settling in. As you know, it had a profound effect on me, so I am not suprised with what you describe. Stick with it, and vent here when you need to! If anxiety hits, let it, so what!. Don't indulge it, just stick 2 fingers up and know you are fine and it will pass. Likewise Chickpea, sounds like you have things in perspective. Don't fret about the scan, Dr probably just being cautious and making sure that all is ok under the anxiety. I have had two ECGs in the last week and they were fine, despite all manner of symptoms! Yours will be too I'm sure. Have a great time with the Kids. It's my Sons birthday tomorrow, so I'm focussing on keeping it all together for him - no better incentive in the world!

29-11-14, 12:29
Hi Chick and Antony,

Lovely to get both your messages. Had a good sleep last night and woke up this morning feeling very positive. :)

Chick - don't worry about the cardiology appointment. I was referred a few years ago because of palpitations just to be sure and all was ok. My Mum was also sent for the 24 hour monitor last week and everything came back tip top for her! I'm sure you will be fine.

Antony - I hope things are looking on the up for you. You sound really positive in your post, and lots of excellent advice in there! I'm doing exactly what you say, let the bad moments pass over me and feeling grateful for the good days when they come.

Have a great birthday with your son - and Chickpea enjoy the Christmas Tree festival.

I've been for breakfast and a massage already this morning, and I'm off out to make the most of this lovely Winter day. I'm embracing the good moments! :)


29-11-14, 21:15
Hey everyone,

Just home from a really excellent day with friends. 4 weeks ago i never thought i'd be able to go out and enjoy myself again - but today that is exactly what I did.

It was a lovely sunny winter day in London here and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I think it's important to mark the good days in some of my posts because i seem to post a lot when I'm feeling down.

So today was a GOOD day - and if anyone is completely overwhelmed by their anxiety tonight, trust me you will get over it. 4 weeks ago, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat, i thought I was going to go mad, I thought i'd have to give up my job.

Today, i felt like my normal self. I know there will be some bad days again - but we have to remember and treasure the good days when they happen.

Ryan x

miss sparkle
29-11-14, 21:20
Hi ryan. Do you suffer with anxiety or health anxiety or both? :)

29-11-14, 21:25
Hey, my anxiety started 5 years ago with very physical symptoms. I had never experienced anxiety before so I was sure I was really ill. That sparked off health anxiety which has come and gone over the past five years - but when it's bad, it's really bad.

29-11-14, 21:54
Hey everyone,

Just home from a really excellent day with friends. 4 weeks ago i never thought i'd be able to go out and enjoy myself again - but today that is exactly what I did.

It was a lovely sunny winter day in London here and I enjoyed every minute of it.

I think it's important to mark the good days in some of my posts because i seem to post a lot when I'm feeling down.

So today was a GOOD day - and if anyone is completely overwhelmed by their anxiety tonight, trust me you will get over it. 4 weeks ago, i couldn't sleep, i couldn't eat, i thought I was going to go mad, I thought i'd have to give up my job.

Today, i felt like my normal self. I know there will be some bad days again - but we have to remember and treasure the good days when they happen.

Ryan x

Great to read this! Bet you have a good night too. :)

Nice day here too - nice walk with my children and dogs, and the Christmas tree festival was lovely.
TV dinner in front of Strictly, kids having a film night watching How to Train Your Dragon 2, and I'm going to have a hot soak before reading the papers in bed. :D

---------- Post added at 21:54 ---------- Previous post was at 21:51 ----------

Ps thanks to you and Abarth for the reassurance about my ECG. I know logically it's just anxiety and white coat syndrome, but it's nice to hear it from other people. :hugs:

miss sparkle
29-11-14, 22:29
Aww so glad you are going through a food patch. ...long may it continue :)

---------- Post added at 22:29 ---------- Previous post was at 22:20 ----------

(Lol good):doh: