View Full Version : Throat pain after laryngitis?

29-11-14, 15:33
Ok so my house was struck with a viral bug.. viral gastroenteritis which progressed for me into laryngitis last friday. voice is just about back thank God. My throat still hurts. is this common or shall i say normal after laryngitis for my throat to hurt? My nose wont stop running either. I am just wondering if this is par for the course.

29-11-14, 15:47
Yep, it sounds par for the course to me.

Viral illnesses averagely last a week, but can go on longer if they are a severe one. The fact your voice is coming back is a good sign that you are on the up again, but the lingering soreness is understandable, as laryngitis is a nasty thing to have, and needs time. You may find that your viral symptoms - like the runny nose - will go on for a while even if you are recovering on the whole....sadly, that is just the way things can be with stubborn viruses, but it will eventually go, as they only have a certain life span to them.

Rest, lots of fluids (to keep up your hydration) and good old honey and lemon will help a lot in the meantime, but primarily rest!!!!

Hope you feel better soon! :)

29-11-14, 15:52
Thanks Debs!!! Whatever this viral thing is, its lingering in this house something fierce. My mom was in bed on Thanksgiving with the gastroenteritis part so missed dinner. I started spraying Lysol like a mad woman and wont leave my bedroom without a mask. I know that sounds extreme, but I dont want this again. my 6-year-old had the stomach part and my 19-month-old had that last week.

29-11-14, 18:34
You're welcome, cricket!:winks:

I don't blame you for trying to avoid getting sick again. Gastroenteritis is awful, as it just totally drains you. I used to be a children's nurse, and it is EXTREMELY common with them, and can make them very ill indeed, primarily because of dehydration, but again it doesn't last too long and it is just a case of letting the virus run its course.....easier said than done though, I know!! Horrible too for adults....so exhausting.:wacko::wacko::wacko: