View Full Version : lump in my mouth again

05-01-07, 20:21
hiya every1

just a little reassurance needed please, its wierd coz all over xmas i was fine had nothing to worry about and now its come back with a vengance, for a few months i had a small lump on the roof of my mouth, anyway i went to the drs he said it was a small sist, the are really comman apparently, anyway it went totally last week, i was so happy and now its started to feel like a lumps gonna come again, i looked in the mirror and its looks red, its so tiny but why has it come back, im so scared im worring if its cancer, if it was would it have gone away?? im having a bad time again, i really hate this, i have also been breathless and just feel achy again. do u think its coz all the xmas hype has gone and things r getting back to normal?


i just wanna feel normal

05-01-07, 20:24
You could be run down and then we get all sorts of little problems like mouth ulcers, chapped lips, cold sores etc.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

06-01-07, 00:27
Hi Leanne,I agree with Nic,stress makes us run down.I have some sore patches in my mouth at the moment due to being stressed and run down,Im sure its nothing to worry about pet.

Ellen XX

06-01-07, 01:56
i get sore patches all the time. try rinsing with warm water and salt. i wouldnt think you had cancer considering it went completely away. dont worry!


06-01-07, 02:13
My daughter gets these. They aren't ulcers or anything like that, but they don't seem to be harmful. She's only 6 so if I was really worried about it (or if her dr was) we'd have more things done to find out. I think it's just something benign that happens due to food allergy, stress etc.

06-01-07, 06:40

thank u for replying, i was wondering if it was something to do with food.
i wonder what it is??

leanne xx

i just wanna feel normal

07-01-07, 03:40
I've had one consistently since June and showed my dentist a couple of weeks ago and they said savivary pores can become blocked.

07-01-07, 10:18
Hi Leanne,

Its probably the anxiety thats causing you to ache , if it was cancer it would not have went away, the stress may also be making you run down. I had a lump in my mouth (still have it) and the dentist told me it was boney deposits, but systs are really common as well. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care

shirley xx