View Full Version : Shoulder pain

29-11-14, 16:50
I've had a burning stabbing pain in my right shoulder blade for 2 days now it only hurts when I pick things up or move my arm if I'm still with my back supported it's fine.

I was scared it may be gallbladder when looking online but the pain isn't constant I can actually place a finger on the point it hurts the most

I'm pregnant and have been sleeping weird lately as I'm not allowed to sleep on my back.

Can anyone relate or help with stretches I can do to help stop the pain? I'm not allowed thighs like deep heat!

Thanks in advance xx

29-11-14, 20:55
It could be a little trapped wind Miss Sunshine or you may have slept awkwardly. If it is wind, drinking a glass of flat Lemonade helps to shift it. If it is a stiff shoulder, you can go online for a video of a self shoulder massage. Hope this helps? :)