View Full Version : Please help

29-11-14, 18:50
Ever since I started taking my medication at the thereputic dose my anxiety has been sky high to the point that agoraphobia is slowly taking hold of my life. I'm not being passive in this either, im doing CBT everyday and attending a day hospital but everything seems to be getting worse. Every time i do exposure therapy my panic increases rather than decreases. Should I ask to see my psychiatrist to change my medication, or should I hold fast and hope my anxiety diminishes with the medication being upped? All help and suggestions are helpful, thanks X

29-11-14, 20:05
What medication are you on, and how long have you been taking it?

29-11-14, 20:39
I am on Clomipramine at 250mg and Olanzapine at 10mg. The clomipramine was increased on wednesday. My anxiety went up after the last dosage upping and has increased since wednesday. I just dont know if it is because I am becoming more ill again or the medication is settling in

30-11-14, 14:56
I would guess it's a side effect of the increased dose.
Either way, keep reminding yourself it's just physical sensations and can't harm you. Don't try to fight them or try to run away from them.

30-11-14, 16:59
Thank you for your help and support :) I am currently attending a psychiatric day hospital and I have decided to tell my named nurse that the increase in agitation is too much to bear. I'm going to go back to my original dose and then try something else, with the help of my psychiatrist