View Full Version : Unexpected panic, now doubting everything

29-11-14, 23:54
I took my mum & sister to a Christmas craft fair today. The drive was about an hour, and I've been before. I was completely fine while we were there, so I had some lunch (something I usually avoid) and enjoyed it. On the way out of the venue though we got caught in a bit of traffic (tailbacks from a junction where cars wanting to turn right onto a busy road were holding movement up - nothing abnormal), and I stated to feel uneasy. By the time we'd reached the main road I was in full blown panic - tingling hands, light head, retching, racing heart, the lot - and was trying desperately to keep my mind on driving as it was the only way for me to get home.

It was horrible, to have it happen out of the blue like that, and now I feel wretched, especially as I need to go on another trip tomorrow to collect something from eBay, then on Monday I'm starting to work full time for the first time in over 2 years. The last time I worked full time I was signed off by my Dr because my anxiety was the worst it's ever been, and I had to leave my job. I've tried hard to get my life back on track since then, but what happened today has just made me doubt everything.

02-12-14, 00:10
I'm sorry you had such a bad attack. :( Sometimes that happens. It sounds like a busy day with a lot of potential triggers. Don't beat yourself up about it - it doesn't mean you're back to square one. We all have bad days but you have to try your best to brush yourself off and start the next day fresh!

Hope you're feeling better.

02-12-14, 09:15
I'm so sorry you're going through this, having a bad attack doesn't mean you failed and that you're not cured. :)

You're a fighter and don't you ever quit! I used to have terribly scary panic attacks, it took me like a year for them to finally go away... Well they are back, but I know that again I can kick panics rear! and you can too! High five! and good luck!