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View Full Version : Freaking out over mole

30-11-14, 11:49
I have always had this mole on my stomach that is raised in the centre but recently i have noticed it looks bigger, so i went to the doctor 3 weeks ago she said it looked fine, she also measured it and it is 7-8mm.
I felt relieved after seeing her but now im starting to panic about it again because its large (everywhere i look it says if its bigger than 6mm it could be melanoma) and its raised in the center, which i haven't seen any pictures looking like that.

I cant stop thinking about it and looking at it, i can't concentrate on anything and have constant anxiety about it i just don't know what to do.

I also have another mole that's flat, 6mm but one edge of it is darker than the rest so i'm worrying about that as well.

I'm 22, really pale and have a few moles.

30-11-14, 12:17
From the diagnosis point of view, you can go back to your doctor and explain that you are really worrying about your moles, and request a referral to a dermatologist. Generally speaking, a doctor can't refuse a request for a second opinion.

It may take two or three months, but eventually you will see a specialist who will look over every inch of your skin, not just those moles (be prepared to strip right off).

If your GP is correct, you will get an all clear diagnosis. If you still keep worrying past that, you may need to consider how much health anxiety is your problem.

16-12-14, 22:28
Get it checked out by a dermatologist as soon as you can... not because it sounds like it could be cancer, but because it will finally give you peace of mind. Sometimes that's better than just freaking yourself out forever. Plus, when they tell you it's benign, you now have something to compare all other mole scares to. Good luck!

17-12-14, 01:31
I have to disagree with going back to the doctor after being given the all clear and peace of mind. "Everywhere I look" means you're Googling and of course the dragon feeds off of that.

Reassurance, whether it's from a medical professional or another source is typically short lived and/or another worry takes over. Treating the real illness (anxiety) is the remedy you really need IMO.

Positive thoughts

17-12-14, 12:31
I am with you right now, but I only got mine checked out two weeks ago and told it was fine.

Mine is only 2-3mm but it is black. No gp has ever been concerned, but like you I am still a mess.

As you know, anxiety can make us see things wrong. I can look at a mole and think it is growing right in front of my very eyes.

So what I do now is put my husband in charge of checking them. He is much better at seeing what is really there so I rely on him to tell me if it is changed because I can't rely on myself.

Do you have anyone who would do the same for you with this mole?

I kind of agree with the others but Fish's post is really valid and as he doesn't suffer with HA I think it is often useful to see a situation through a 'normal' person's eyes and how they would react if it was them.

A second opinion may make you feel better for a while but in the long run will it help?

17-12-14, 15:17
I'm not saying go to a dermatologist just to go... dermatologists are SPECIALISTS who deal with these sorts of things every day. General practitioners are just that. I'm not saying your doctor was wrong, I'm just saying, at your age, and with your skin type it would be a good idea to have a relationship with your dermatologist. He or she will able to give you reassurance and knowledge that will help you with your HA and in the long run you will be better prepared when/if you see another "weird mole".

17-12-14, 17:08
In the UK, you can't just ask for a referral to a dermatologist (unless you have private healthcare which I'm assuming isn't the case here). You can only get referred to a specialist if your GP decided this is appropriate. If the Doc thought that this mole was suspicious they would have done a 2 week referral.

Jo, you say you've read that 'if it's bigger than 6mm it could be melanoma'. The actual statistic is 'most melanomas are more than 6mm'. These 2 statements are different; it doesn't mean most moles over 6mm are melanoma. If your doctor says it's OK please be reassured by this. The most important thing is to get to know your skin so that you can look out for changes. Take photos and measurements of any that are worrying you. Check again in one month (NOT one day!) and if there are no changes don't worry.

It would be reassuring to be able to ask for a yearly check with a dermatologist (I would love this myself as I am fair with a number of weird moles), but unless you want to pay, you will not get this in the UK unless you're very high risk, as far as I know the criteria for this is skin cancer within the immediate family or if you've already had skin cancer. Most people have moles, most people don't bother even looking at them....if you're checking them for changes you're already one step ahead but don't let them take over your life.
Lin x

22-12-14, 04:00
How did you go with this?
I had a normal brown mole that went bright red overnight, started throbbing and got pus in it!
I got it removed and now have to wait for the results and I am TERRIFIED and in total torment.