View Full Version : Anxiety peaked again! Frequent urination! :(

30-11-14, 17:22
Passed couple of days I've been needing to pee a lot more than usual. Also had lower abdomenal and lower back pain. I don't have pain when I go or a burning sensation but I'm majorly freaking out and can't calm down :(. I've never had a UTI or anything so no clue what it feels like, no fever or anything either!
This anxiety is ruining my life. I'm so worried about Ovarian/cervical cancer!

30-11-14, 17:37
Sounds like classic UTI to me, or maybe stones.

I wouldn't worry if I were you--see your doc and you'll probably have to give a urine test and be given some meds.

30-11-14, 18:23
Thanks canbud. I'm just trying to drink as much water as possible even tho I am back and forth to the loo like once an hour!!
Why is it every small symptoms just screams CANCER to me ��

30-11-14, 21:55
I'm in exactly the same boat as you need to wee every few hours or so it's horrible I did have a uti / bladder infection to start with but have still got this weeing ever hour problem I've been given oxybutnin to try and relax the bladder but not really working have u been to docs at all xx

30-11-14, 22:11
Hiya, cervical cancer doesn't typically have those symptoms.. It's bleeding, pain during sex and smelly discharge. Agree sounds like uti. Hope it passes soon Xxx

30-11-14, 22:21

I went through a phase of needing the toliet more. I don't think I was drinking more but I seemed to go every half hour or so.

Of course I had the same worries OC as I also had twinges in my side also .I never went to my GP about this, but I happened to have a ultrasound for something else and nothing was found.

It's more than likely an infection or reaction to recent cold weather.x

Also I have IBS and this can cause irritable bladder.

Drink cranberry juice too helpsx

30-11-14, 22:38
I have been peeing a lot too on certain days. I notice its the days that I'm feeling anxious for one reason or another (and of course it compounds my anxiety because I wonder why I'm peeing so much!). I had a bout of that this morning where I was peeing seriously every hour and then panicking that I was going to get dehydrated so I'd drink a glass of water. By afternoon I wasn't going over and over... I actually haven't went all afternoon. So.. again.. it was that stinkin adrenaline messing with me.

I have had UTIs. They usually invove some pain or some burning, and an urge to go a lot but not necessarily drink a lot. One of the classic signs for me is to feel like I have to go again within minutes of going, even though there is hardly anything there. If you are peeing a decent quantity each time, its probably because you are taking that much in and your nerves kind of contract your bladder too much. For me I panic and tell myself its diabetes. I've been tested.. its anxiety.

01-12-14, 00:08
I get utis a lot, its a problem that can be fixed easily.

03-12-14, 22:43
Just wondered how u were gettin on ? X

04-12-14, 07:38
It's still there... Still getting up 2-3 times through the night. I thought maybe it was cystitis but I've not had stinging or anything like that. Didn't make a difference either. I must have went about 12-15 times yesterday! I'm trying my absolute hardest not to google... I really don't want to!
Can it actually be anxiety? Can I convince myself I need to go?!
I'm actually so worried it's the breast Cancer I'm so terrified of spreading and this is the beginning of the end. I'm constantly getting colds etc. (have one now!) and just think my immune system is fecked and this is it!! Aaaahhhhhh!!!!

04-12-14, 12:52
I doubt its cancer, could be a uti or anxiety. If you're worried buy a home uti test, and order some D-Mannose powder to naturally cure and or prevent utis, I have to take it because I get utis a lot.

04-12-14, 19:13
I'm so frightened. I always have symptoms of something!! :(

16-01-15, 10:53
So my symptoms disappeared over Xmas and New Year and I was feeling good, and since yesterday to constant peeing is back again :( I'm doing an online CBT course at the mo but I can't stop focussing on this! Why is it happening again?!

16-01-15, 11:08
Did you go to the doctors before to find out whether it was an infection?

It does sound like a urinary tract infection (UTI) to me. I suffer with them quite often and I don't get the pain when going. I get the feeling that I am desperate to go all the time but hardly pass any urine. sometimes as soon as I have been to the toilet I feel the need to go again. it does also have me getting up in the night to go when I wouldn't normally do so.
UTI's are easily tested so please see your doctor plus they can clear up on there own eventually which it sounds like your first 1 did.

Hope this helps ease your mind.

16-01-15, 11:17
I was up twice through the night and have been about 4 times since this morning. As I don't have burning or pain I don't know if it is a UTI or not. I see my GP on Wednesday to discuss my CBT so will ask her.
If it was Cancer, would it come and go? So scared of Ovarian cancer.

16-01-15, 12:05
Frequent urination is an axiety symtom as well.

16-01-15, 12:41
I'm sure if it's was cancer it wouldn't come and go, I often get this when I'm stressed which is nearly all the time!

18-01-15, 12:39
It's so frightening and started to affect all aspects of my life :(

19-01-15, 06:10
Frequent urination, persistent infections (colds in your case) all can be symtoms of anxiety.........



19-01-15, 12:12
Thanks Starman. :)

19-01-15, 12:19
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it gets a hold of you. (period!)

Positive thoughts

19-01-15, 13:15
Thanks Fishmanpa - I know :( Having actually been throught this terrible illness, how do you stop the intrusive thoughts? I think you're the strongest person here!

21-01-15, 15:33
Sooo the frequent peeing has calmed down since yesterday... I'm looking forward to seeing my doctor tonight at 5pm (Never thought i'd say that!)
I'm doing ok at the moment... trying to keep my head straight and rationalise with what my body is doing! Hoping I feel good coming out of the GP later!

Thanks everyone for your support, I need this forum at the moment!!

23-08-16, 10:11
I know see what you where talking about. I relate with all of this except I'm just afraid of leukemia xD. This is the first time this has happened to me. I peed about 12 times today. I'm not sure if it'll be consistent or not but it really does sound like we're both just very anxious! So maybe there is some comfort in that.