View Full Version : Having a panic - Bruise

30-11-14, 17:38
So I am having some leukemia fears at the moment and have been for a while, this all stems from the doctors wanting to do some routine blood tests and me putting it off for months because I think they are going to find leukemia.

Anyway as usual with HA I've been linking every single ache, pain to it and just convincing myself even more and this evening as I got undressed for a bath I noticed a really dark purplish/brown bruise on the edge of my knee which is really sore and has a lump under it.

The thing is I don't normally bruise easily and I don't remember knocking myself.

I showed it to my husband who said "it's a bruise, you've banged your knee" when I said it has a lump under it and I don't remember doing it he said "well you obviously have whacked it because you have a lump under it."

Needless to say I'm having a complete meltdown. I've checked myself all over and can't see any brusies anywhere else. Also I trod on a drawing pin yesterday which pierced my foot and there is no bruising there, just a very small pin hole mark.

Can anyone offer a rational point of view on this, I keep thinking I'd have more than one bruise but it's the fact it's so dark I'm worried.


30-11-14, 17:46
I used to find these huge ugly bruises on my legs that I had NO idea how I got them.

Finally I realized that my rambunctious dog (who is a little runt) gave them to me when he jumped on my legs.

All this to say that we can get bruised alot, and not clue into the source of them.