View Full Version : Annoying Ectopics

30-11-14, 19:36
hi everyone

i am no stranger to these and have had them on and off for nearly 25 years. i know they are not dangerous etc etc etc however in the last week or so they have been my constant companion everyday. i am now sat in tears due to the frustrating nature of these and the discomfort they cause

just needed to vent i suppose i dont really know what else to do

sam x

30-11-14, 19:38
I'm sitting in hospital waiting for my first child having exact same thoughts!! How do yours feel? Flutter/spasm, light headed, breathless??

30-11-14, 19:43
hi there

flutters then a thump , it seems it continually (it probably isn't) no dizziness (yet) i was at the drs and she heard them and said it was fine as my heart was structurally fine and it will not cause any harm , its not that that worries me i know they are not dangerous.For me its the lack of control or not being able to stop them if that makes sense and the more i get worked up and the cycle continues


30-11-14, 19:48
Totally understand. I think my dizziness is instant panic when I feel the flutter then thump. Sometimes heart races after. I have seen 2 cardiologists and had 2 echo. Now on my third visit and had 5 day monitor.

Do u think anything serious they would have found?

30-11-14, 20:11
i used to continually worry that something was wrong and i have had a few ECG that were all normal in the past but never believed that lol then i decided well ok if it was serious they wouldn't let me leave the hsopital and also surely something bad will have happened by now 25 years later. so i stopped going down that train of thought

when my dr last week heard them she was able to say to me that my heart was strong and and fine and that these beats were benign (nothing serious) which did calm me down as she had heard them! although that can go out of the window when you have been having the bloody things all day , which is what happened today , i only have myself to blame for getting into a state and of course adrenaline makes them worse.

if they have told you nothing is worn try and be reassured by that (easier said than done , been there got the t- shirt )


30-11-14, 21:44
Thanks so much. Tomorrow is another day and I hope you have a happy one. They uncomfortable but not dangerous!!