View Full Version : My new found HA and my serious ALS fear.

30-11-14, 19:45
Hey y'all!

Look, I am extremely new to all of this. I never thought it would get to the point that I would have to post on here but, here is goes.

I am a 23 year old college student. I am a smoker. I am not in the best shape, but I am actually underweight.

This all started this past summer when I began to experience almost daily headaches. They did not bother me much at first but eventually they bugged me enough to visit the dreaded google. After reading up on brain tumors and the symptoms of them, I was convinced, that is what I had. My headaches immediately got worse after that. Lightheadedness for days on end coupled with the headaches and fatigue. It was at that point that I made a visit to the ER. They ran some tests. The main two being blood and a CT Scan. The blood tests showed that I had a "slightly high white blood cell count" but that was attributed to stress. The CT came back totally normal and I was told to stop worrying and that I was fine. This eased my mind a ton for a few weeks. I thought I was past all of it. No headaches at all the past month and the lightheadedness is completely gone.

Then, earlier this week, I headed home from school for thanksgiving break. I woke up one day with slight back pain and just thought that it might be from sleeping on a different and less comfortable bed. For some reason, that night, like an idiot I went back to google for answers and awake old demons. I started reading about ALS and just how terrible it really is. The next day, I woke up and had a constant heaviness in my legs along with the feeling of having pain or a knot in my back. It was then that I made the worst realization of all, I wave swelling on the underside of my wrist. It looks like it is stemming from one of the muscles or tendons that come down from my hand. A few weeks ago, I was screwing in a new banister on the steps at my house and I did put quite a lot of strain on my hand and wrist but that was so long ago and I just noticed this now. I have been twitching off and on all over my body for the past week and I feel so tired and fatigued all of the time. My wrist and hand have no pain where the swelling is but even while writing this, my entire body feels tight and my left hand feels off (I am a lefty). I have been looking at my biceps in the mirror for the past few days and I am almost positive that my left bicep is smaller than my right. I am scared that the wrist is the start of atrophy and that would be my biggest fear.

My sister is a registered RN and she seems to think that there is nothing at all wrong and it is all in my head. How can she be so sure? I just don't want to act like nothing is happening when there really could be. The physical evidence is there in my wrist. Has anyone else been though something like this? What else could be wrong with my wrist and why do I feel so weak and off?

Any reply is appreciated. I don't want to live a life like this. I feel like this is the start of a long and nasty road and I want to try and get off of it now before it is too late.

I have attached pictures of the swelling in the wrist. Sorry for the bad quality. Probably can't tell much but I figured that I would give them a shot.


30-11-14, 20:13
Welcome StephenR. :welcome:
The mistake you made, and you know it, was going on Google. Please, for your sanity, avoid it at all costs.
As far as Anxiety is concerned. Yes, it can give you all sorts of bodily symptoms. For example; I woke up one day with a rash all over my leg. Another time, I came out in pink spots. My face swelled up another occasion and there was a time, I could not even string a sentence together.
The MIND does all of this and what you have to do is distract the Mind and convince the Mind that you know it is Anxiety and there is nothing bad going to happen to you. Keep your Mind occupied with other things, don't let it wander. Do a crossword, play a game, go for a walk; anything to distract away from the symptom. Tell your self that you will not come to any harm. I saw my rash disappear from me in seconds because I controlled the Mind to think positive and reminded my brain that it was just Anxiety trying to freak me out.
Anxiety will try and trick you. You may even feel quite normal for weeks, then out of the blue, it will throw something else at you. Try to stay calm, let whatever it is pass over you and keep distracted with other things. Eat healthily, get plenty of sleep and always make sure you are hydrated. Anxiety loves to feed off of Caffeine and Alcohol. Try drinking Green Tea/ Cammomile Tea to clam you down.
Food can also be a trigger, make sure you do not go too long without eating something, even if it is a little. Almond Nuts are good fat if you are under weight. Milk, if dairy agrees with you. (Good for settling the stomach as well). I am a former Anorexic, so I know all about weight, inside out. If you have trouble eating, look at it as fuel.
Hope some this helps. Let us know how you get on. :)

30-11-14, 20:19
Thank you so much! I am trying my best to control my mind. I just need to find out what is going on with my wrist to settle my mind completely I believe. This is the fist time that I have seen an actual physical symptom and it is really freaking me out so bad! You're awesome though! Thanks for the advice and I will do my best to follow it. Hope you keep that positive outlook!!

01-12-14, 17:28
You are more than welcome. I have just had another look at the pictures of your wrist. I am no Doctor, but there is no sign of infection, because it would be red in that area. You Sister is a Professional and she says it is ok. Give it a while longer and I bet it disappears. :)

01-12-14, 18:08
Your whole body is twitching, whereas in ALS it is localised. In ALS twitching comes AFTER obvious clinical weakness. ALS typically affects people at a much later age.

Anxiety, on the other hand, can cause a type of hyperexcitability of the nerves knows as Benign Fasciculation Syndrome. This means you twitch and buzz all over. It's benign, so whikst very irritating it's totally harmless. Whilst you should only seek diagnosis from a suitably qualified medical professional, I think if you're going to google something this is probably a safer thing to be looking at. ;)

01-12-14, 18:34
Any reply is appreciated. I don't want to live a life like this. I feel like this is the start of a long and nasty road and I want to try and get off of it now before it is too late.

Hi Steve,

Welcome. You've gotten some good advice. Allow me if I may, to toss a few tidbits your way. I have a son your age and I'll tell you as I would tell him.

At 23, you have your life ahead of you. As you said in your post, you feel like you're heading down a nasty road. Well now is a good time to stop and turn things around. I have heart disease, have had two heart attacks, bypass surgery, stents and most recently cancer. When I was your age, I was out and about abusing the !(@&$# out of myself. I smoked, drank like a fish, partied hard! Guess what? I paid for it.

You have an opportunity to avoid what I didn't. First off, smoking... QUIT! I can tell you from experience, it will cause you health issues.

Secondly, exercise. Lose the weight and get yourself into shape. Walking, weight training, whatever, but your physical health will benefit greatly and you'll feel better for doing so!

Thirdly, speak to someone about your anxiety. This is vital to your future and mental health. At 23, you should be out enjoying life. My son got his dream job working for the airlines and travels the country and the world. He's having a BLAST! You need to learn how to handle and defeat your anxiety. I have real physical issues than can bury me six feet under ground. You have some real psychological issues that can do that to you above ground. Don't allow that to happen.

And finally, read my signature line. That's some truth right there!

Positive thoughts

macc noodle
02-12-14, 00:31
My husband works with MND (ALS) sufferers and not one of them would want you to waste another minute on imagining you have this hideous disease.

02-12-14, 01:03
Firstly, I want to thank y'all for being so helpful and so welcoming. So you all believe that I am good? I am almost positive that this is all in my head but I will be making sure. One final question, what could be going on with my wrist? I've talked to two nurses now and they both just say it's a pull. It's been 3 weeks though. I just want to have a definitive reason for the swelling. Again, y'all are awesome.