View Full Version : Too many symptoms..

01-12-14, 14:09
I'm going to GP on We'd. For new citalopram prescription but my HA has been dreadful for over a minth now and I'm exhausted. It consumes every waking moment.
Here are my symptoms.....
Upper back ache
Rumbling stomach
Upper stomach ache which spreads from left to right, mainly right
Right kidney pain
Chest pain
Heart thuds
Spot of blood on toilet paper
Back ache after standing a short time
Pelvic pain
Hip pain
Lower back pain

Where do I start with the GP. How can she possibly diagnose me with the above symptoms.
Is it...
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Stomach cancer
Bowel cancer
Heart disease
Gallbladder cancer

I have a good appetite and am not losing weight. My mind is working overtime and I feel dreadfully alone. I'm 57 and have had HA since early 30s.
I just sit and wait to feel where the pain is. I'm going crazy. So many feelings of doom when I so love christmas.
Right now it's upper back pain...for no reason. Oh, and a twinge of pelvic pain too. I'm a complete mess. I won't tell my husband or children. I'm just alone with my fear.

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

So nobody answers. Of course my mind says it's because you all know I'm really ill.

01-12-14, 14:15
I'm going to GP on We'd. For new citalopram prescription but my HA has been dreadful for over a minth now and I'm exhausted. It consumes every waking moment.
Here are my symptoms.....
Upper back ache
Rumbling stomach
Upper stomach ache which spreads from left to right, mainly right
Right kidney pain
Chest pain
Heart thuds
Spot of blood on toilet paper
Back ache after standing a short time
Pelvic pain
Hip pain
Lower back pain

Where do I start with the GP. How can she possibly diagnose me with the above symptoms.
Is it...
Ovarian cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Stomach cancer
Bowel cancer
Heart disease
Gallbladder cancer

I have a good appetite and am not losing weight. My mind is working overtime and I feel dreadfully alone. I'm 57 and have had HA since early 30s.
I just sit and wait to feel where the pain is. I'm going crazy. So many feelings of doom when I so love christmas.
Right now it's upper back pain...for no reason. Oh, and a twinge of pelvic pain too. I'm a complete mess. I won't tell my husband or children. I'm just alone with my fear.

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 ----------

So nobody answers. Of course my mind says it's because you all know I'm really ill.

Why do you assume cancer? There a million benign reasons why a body has aches and pains.

01-12-14, 14:56
Because that is my fear or phobia.

01-12-14, 15:02
Canbud is right, all of those things indicate numerous benign conditions as well as are common symptoms of anxiety.
I can't say I haven't been where you are though..I had similar symptoms and assumed ovarian cancer. I had every possible symptom..as I read up more on ovarian cancer, I developed more symptoms.

Well, I was completely and utterly convinced. Got an ultrasound, no ovarian cancer. The pains went away a few days later..anxiety caused most of them.

02-12-14, 10:39
Hey Elf really sorry to hear about you experiencing this.

The important thing to remember is that not all symptoms point to something deadly. Believe me I have been in a dreadful state worrying about them and escalated them myself. I was convinced I had a brain tumor due to headaches and nosebleeds, turns out it was a migrane. The best thing to do is to let a little time pass and see if there is any relief from the symptoms or if they change as this points straight to anxiety normally. I am 18 years old with no cancers or serious illness and I have experienced many of your symptoms I will detail below what I've had and why hope it helps lovely. Keep your chin up you can get through this:
Upper back ache
Rumbling stomach
Upper stomach ache which spreads from left to right, mainly right
Right kidney pain - I had irregular drinking habits either drinking too much or too little water which caused these problems.
Chest pain - a sign of anxiety not stomach bowel or ovarian cancer. I get this on the regular no heart disease no lung problems. Anxiety :)
Heart thuds - Another sign of anxiety as said before I've had ekg's and chest x-rays no cancer or heart disease just a symptom of anxiety escalating
Spot of blood on toilet paper - Firstly be sure it is blood. I got panicked over some red food coloring I was allergic to that passed straight through me! And I worried over beans in my stool!
Back ache after standing a short time - Common with everyone! Standing still and upright for too long has my back in tatters and I'm an 18 year old cyclist who as the doctors said "is the picture of good health"
Pelvic pain - Once again may be bowel movements or a whole host of other things. Not a very serious symptom :)
Hip pain - goes with pelvic pain
Lower back pain - May be due to your back ache but I have this one so much especially after walking for a while. Some people get aches and pains its not necissarily something serious.

The important thing is not to fall into a spiral. Go to a doctor you trust explain your symptoms allow him to do what he thinks is necessary and once he okays you don't question it. Because I did that and it moved from brain tumors to heart problems to COPD to renal failure all with appropriate symptoms. Your not mad and your not dying but when your body focus's on a symptom it gets worse been there been convinced I'm going blind. Turns out I have better vision than most of the population. Don't worry about your symptoms, distract yourself and you might just find they go.

Hope this helps :)


02-12-14, 11:28
Hi agree with what Sam had written. One of the things I find helpful is to write a list of all the benign things each symptom could be. Xxx

02-12-14, 12:44
You're all so lovely. Thank you so much. X

02-12-14, 20:50
I had been suffering from anxiety about anxiety since 2009. It's no firmly become concerns about my heart health, although visits to doctor/hospital all clear. When I realised recently that my muscle knots in my back are a symptom (although they are real), I have felt some reassurance that the odd chest pains are almost certainly a symptom in the same way.

I used to occasionally get a pain under the arm pit, and discovered that it was caused by too much deodorant spray. If you think about this logically, whilst we all need to use it, straying chemicals under your arm is hardly a natural thing to do, so it's not surprising if the body doesn't like it!

I have suffered stitch or similar pain a few times recently when out on my bike. This caused me considerable concern. I used to get stitch as a child. I never thought then there was anything wrong we me.

I know the way my mind thinks now is daft, and recovery is gradual, and if you expect setbacks, you can see them for what they are. As Claire Weekes said 'it's never too late to start again'

I have been off work now for 10 months, but I am determined to go back.


miss sparkle
02-12-14, 23:07
I sympathise completly
I have back and side ache everyday :(

03-12-14, 09:42
Hi Elf, I hope you're feeling a little better today - especially after seeing all these helpful and sensible replies.

I am so, so glad I've seen your post. I had to double check that it wasn't one I'd written and then forgotten about because we are the same age and have more or less the same symptoms/feelings. Just to confirm, in the hope it helps, mine are currently:

Upper back ache
Rumbling stomach
Pelvic pain (left groin area)
Lower back ache on sitting or standing for long periods
heart thuds
Pain under ribs on left hand side and in centre of stomach above belly-button but sometimes this goes to right side
Blood on toilet paper

But I also have

Intermittent diarrhea/loose stools
sore bottom (sorry)
A sharp pain under my left shoulder blade when I wake in the morning
Trembly feeling
Hot flushes

I too have a good appetite and haven't lost weight. These are just the symptoms I'm worried about. I do have others but these are ones I've connected together to diagnose myself with some cancer of the digestive system that has spread throughout my body. It's not helped by two relatives being diagnosed with bowel cancer recently, Linda Bellingham's death or probably more significantly by the fact I have been under considerable stress due to work/family issues for the last two years.

I mentioned our age because, if your thoughts are anything like mine, you will be thinking that you are 'different' from anyone else on here. I have noticed there are a lot of younger people who post and in my way of thinking, they are likely to be suffering from health anxiety and not cancer. your description of how you are feeling - alone, worried to tell anyone is all exactly how I feel too. I even can relate to the note you added to your post when no-one answered.

I have been to see my GP who has prescribed anti-depressants (which I haven't taken due to worry about side effects - some similar to my symptoms). I have had a normal blood test and physical examination and my GP agrees that a more likely diagnosis is IBS and anxiety/depression. I am going back to see see her on Friday as the blood on toilet paper has only happened since my last visit and I have't spoken to her about the blood test results (Now I am worrying there is something wrong but they have just forgotten to ring and tell me) . I am dreading her sending me for more tests as this will just 'proove' to me that she is concerned.

But we have to ask ourselves this: Why will we only listen to frightening, scary thoughts that confirm our fears and not not to the reassuring ones that make sense? Why, when I read your post, did I think, "anxiety" and not "cancer" ?

Because we are so similar, I thought it would be great if we could support each other through this. Don't worry if you don't feel like it but if you think it would help - feel free to send me a private message or we can just keep looking out for each other on here.

Take care and here's a big hug in the hope it helps :bighug1: