View Full Version : Healthy...I think. But anxious. Hi everyone!

Juan Inch
01-12-14, 13:39
Hi all,

First time poster, long time hypochondriac.

But this time it’s been different. More intense. More disabling than ever before. Of course, the depression on top of it probably hasn’t helped. I’m currently a car wreck of a human being with so many ailments, aches and ‘cancers’ it’s a miracle I’m still alive.

Of course, as a professional hypochondriac, I have had not one, but two, urine samples taken (both have come back all clear and signed off by the doctor) and I am having a blood test this Wednesday ‘just to make sure’. The doctor only offered me one to ‘put my mind at ease’ when I went to her in a jittery mess last Monday. She didn’t believe it necessary in the slightest and was happy that everything I described pointed to stress. She checked my blood pressure and also felt my stomach anyway (the second doctor to have done so in the last couple of weeks) and said everything seemed normal. No professional seems worried about my problems so why should I, right? I had the same stomach aches etc. a couple of months ago and had stool samples taken. All clear (of course).

I am that classic ‘anxious’ guy. But this time – wow. Next level stuff! Back pain, muscle pain, stomach aches, a constant feeling of being in danger, tiredness…its hit me like a truck. This is now my third week of feeling like this. To the day actually. I know this how? Monday the 10th November was the day my dad told me he had cancer.

Since then I have, rather selfishly, been all sorts of ill. Of course, I have spent the last few weeks worrying about my dad and my family, but this has also started me questioning my own mortality. And to a worrier like myself, it’s been debilitating. My dad’s type of cancer is actually quite rare (less than 9000 cases a year in the UK) and its not hereditary. Yet, all of a sudden, I’m experiencing some of the same symptoms! Even writing that seems ridiculous to the point where it’s almost laughable (I even explained this to the very helpful doctor who said that there was no way, at 34, I could have the same cancer as my father). Besides, I know the chances of being diagnosed with the same cancer as my Dad, in the space of a week, would also have to be astronomic to the point of being non-existent! I know ‘it’s all in my head’ but, so what. It’s still extremely real to me.

Every single thing, both mentally and physically, all points to anxiety and stress. Everything. (Even that sentence is half designed to convince myself its nothing serious!). I have been susceptible to anxiety attacks in the past and health worries (without cause) before so I know I’m prone to this type of stuff;

· Back, shoulders and side muscles are incredibly tense (some shooting pains too).
· Stomach pains and cramps
· Constipation / diarrhoea
· Arm ache down my left side
· Headaches
· Constant cold-like symptoms (probably caused by , as Ive read, my immune system being shot).
· Feeling REALLY tired

And to top it all off, a bout of depression and all the other brain-twisting thoughts and feelings that have come with it.

I was blessed with had a beautiful baby girl five weeks ago too. I have everything to be grateful for. Aside from my overactive imagination, I’m set. I just wish I could get passed this feeling of imminent doom and just get on with life.

Funnily enough, since my Dad had some good news and things are actually looking positive, my mood has lifted but the anxiety about my health remains.

Just thought I’d share my story. Feel free to contribute with yours. If any of this rings true with you and you’ve been in a similar situation, I’d love to hear from you. You’re not alone!

01-12-14, 13:44
Hiya Juan Inch and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

01-12-14, 14:21
Hello Juan Inch and welcome to NMP!

It seems to me in my honest opinion you're just battling a scary form of anxiety, but I'm no expert.

I've had some scary symptoms too, with all the diseases and illnesses I thought I had I should be buried 6 feet under by now... It was ALL anxiety and some was low sugar but nothing serious.

Our mind is a scary.place it will cook up all kinds of crazy thoughts and fears, which in turn will cause actual symptoms.

When I get anxious I either take xanax, talk myself down, or immerse myself into something like a game or a movie.

Dealing with anxiety and fears is terrifying just know that you'll be okay. Hugs.