View Full Version : Heart Health Worries

01-12-14, 13:44
Hi all,

About 3 weeks ago I posted about light at the end of the tunnel because I had just been given all clear from Brain MRI/Neurologist.

However in the past I have had heart health worries where I worried everyday with heart flutter feeling which takes breath away and light headed. I have seen 2 cardiologists with all tests clear. Seeing another this week with 5 day heart monitor.

Symptoms I am now so scared of:

Heart flutters
Tight chest and breathless worsen when driving or leaving house for walks shopping etc
Heart flutters daily
Feel like I'm going to pass out
Nervous feeling all day

I have these symptoms all day!!

Can someone please give me comfort??



01-12-14, 15:32
Hi Tom

of all the things anxiety related the heart is usually the one we worry about the most. Probably because we need it. However we don't give it enough credit , it is a very strong muscle (it has to be it pumps blood around the body) it can withstand all these flutters etc. The problem begins when we start to worry (again easier said than done) worrying creates more tension and adrenaline which causes more heart palps. its a viscous cycle and one that's is self perpetuating.

what we need is to be able to comfort ourselves. if you have had tests and they are all clear (these tests will show things if not ok, thats what they are designed for) be comforted in the knowledge nothing is wrong with your heart .

i am only saying this because i have had them for 25 years and i am still here (and still have the bloody things) and i do know if we focus and panic about them they get worse

hope this helps