View Full Version : ALS FEAR ~ In a dark place at the moment

01-12-14, 17:05
I have posted before, and this fear seems to come and go....

So I never experienced any kind of all over body twitching until I pinched a nerve in my lumbar spine. Within a few days of injury I noticed severe spasms in the effected leg/calf. Over the course of a few days, those calmed down but I began to notice all over body twitches. A quick one here, quick one there etc.... Mostly in my legs (about 90%) but some all over. This has continued now for about 3 months. Some days worse than others but I have myself convinced that other symptoms are now starting to show. The doc noticed clinical weakness in my left hip flexor (again of the effected leg/side of the disc herniation). I also have scoliosis so my hips are off center, I know when I squat (I am in the gym 5-6 days a week) I favor that side and have for years as I tend to fall onto my more aligned side. When I first herniated my disc I had significant weakness in my left leg, it has gotten stronger. I used to be able to only do maybe 4-5 lifts onto my toes, now I am able to do 15+. So that must be a good thing that some strength is coming back?

Now for some reason, the hip flexor thing is bothering me and I wondering if it is a sign of something else. I am starting to judge my handwriting to see if maybe that is off. I am always clumsy and drop my keys when I am holding too many things, like at target, I was holding 11 packs of cards and I dropped them twice because they are in plastic wrap and slipped on each other but my mind takes it to some thing more.

I saw the Neurologist in November and I go back next month for an EMG in my legs. He said he is doing it for peace of mind since none of my symptoms even started since I herniated my back.... That he would would not be concerned with *** if it were me but then again, why is he really doing the EMG if he is totally not worried? I also have hyper reflexes. I know my left will show the nerve damage from the herniated disc, I am still numb in the anterior of my foot and back of thigh, and still have weakness from the original injury, will they be able to tell the difference between never damage from a disc vs the dreaded ***?

It was so strange, I was so sick over the weekend and my calf was twitching like crazy... dehydration maybe? I don't know.

Guess I am just reaching out because I am scared right now. I am paying attention to all kinds of things and wondering if this is a sign or that is a sign... they say they can be so subtle people don't even notice? But I am noticing everything and really worrying myself sick....

Just want to crawl in a hole!!!!!!!! Its so bad and I sitting here planning on what I will do when diagnosed, how I will chose to go to a "right to state" where I will have the option to end my life legally so my family will not have to take care of me in such a horrible state.

I hate this!

01-12-14, 17:10
muscle twitching is a side effect of anxiety and nothing to worry about ,ive had it two years now but it has got less severe since my anxiety has dropped

01-12-14, 17:15
Thank you :) You know, you read online that sometimes, ALS presents itself as muscle twitching. Good ol' Dr. Google. It is so scary, so then you start self testing for loss of function, muscle strength, weakness, atrophy etc. You have perceived weakness, perceived clumsiness, all because I have already self diagnosed myself in my own head. Scared shitless right now and so over it!