View Full Version : What methods have helped you get control of health anxiety?

01-12-14, 19:22
Has anyone tried light therapy? Hypnosis? Meditation? EFT tapping? I'm curious about everyone's experiences. My doctor wants me to go on antidepressants and I'd like that to be a last resort, not a first resort, if possible. However, I've really been struggling on a day to day basis lately. Weird thing is it happens in the morning mostly... I feel my worst like a bit dizzy, tired, no appetite. I've been trying to walk a little bit every day, watch funny shows on TV, do more chores around the house, and typically by evening I'm doing a little better.

I actually almost have that feeling like you get when you're pregnant... like have to get out of bed slowly, eat bland things a little bit, some food aversions. Today I was feeling actually claustrophobic. I went to a counseling session in the morning and just felt off and uncomfortable in the room. I wound up using the restroom and then drinking a glass of water. I felt a little better after that. However now I've been peeing almost every hour today!!

I had a CBC and Thyroid panel done last week which both came up fine (according to doc). If I was diabetic or something, that would have shown up on the CBC right? I'm just trying to stay calm and get myself back to feeling like an upbeat human being again.

01-12-14, 19:40
Hiya Blondie

I wrote a post which is now a sticky at the top of the page which gives you a pretty thorough idea of what helped me to make progress. If you haven't already have a read and if you have any questions feel free to shout. Although this is just what worked for me, and appealed to my control freak nature.


01-12-14, 20:42
I had cbt and do mindfulness which I found helpful. For me I need a routine and exercise, when thinks get tough I practice cbt. Xxx

01-12-14, 22:45
I'm considering hypnotherapy anyone recommend this?

01-12-14, 23:14
I'm considering hypnotherapy anyone recommend this?

I've had hypnotherapy for a severe needle phobia, and also for giving birth.
It worked brilliantly both times - I was terrified of needles for over 20 years, but can now give blood happily any time. I gave birth to both my children with no pain relief, so that tells you something!

01-12-14, 23:15
Hypnosis helped me when I had my first baby. I did hypnobabies and it did take away a lot of the anxiety and changed the term "pain" to "sensations". It really did help. I'm thinking about doing it for anxiety as well, if there's a good reputable course.