View Full Version : Breathless ? Stress? - Walking?

05-01-07, 22:53
I have had a heck of a week fighting with my 16 year old and 19 years old and a husband to boot. My husband has told the 16 year old to leave the house. I am devistated because I see his point of a 16 year old coming home under the influence of drugs and then telling him to mnd his own fu''''business. Kids are not respectful and influence by a boyfriend doesn't help.
So now i am down one daughter whom I need to support the husband have a kid who thinks I care more for husband than child, husband who thinks she is this way because I am too nice of a mom and want to be her friend.
So needlesss to say my neck and shoulders, upper back is rock tight.
I tried to go for a walk today but got extremely out winded and my heart started to race like a horse - scared the crap out of me and now it is all I can think about.

Anyone, advise please.


05-01-07, 22:56
I have this AlOT! Even today. It seems to be worse when I have been under a lot of stress, sick, or before my period. I think it also has something to do with my blood pressure being low at times. I've had it so long that I think it's normal, but it was worrying me today to.

Sorry things are so rough at your house. :(