View Full Version : Potassium!!

02-12-14, 11:44
Anyone had bloods done and potassium was abnormal? I have to get my bloods done again on friday. I have a pain in my right shoulder/back and worrying it's all connected. Stupidly i googled potassium and it says a problem with your kidneys :ohmy:

02-12-14, 11:55
Everytime I have a blood test I get a dodgy result... Not because I'm ill but due to variation in collection, processing or just a random change in my body. Re-test and should be ok.


02-12-14, 13:27
Potassium deficiency can be a number of things I know this as I'm a nurse and I come across it often. If you are dehydrated, have sweated alot, take herbal remedies or laxatives. Not always a kidney problem can be a simple reason l. Also if it was kidneys you would have abnormal bloods for other things like urea creatinine.

02-12-14, 13:47
Also taking water tablets for high blood pressure can cause a potassium deficiency. Eat a couple of bananas a day.


02-12-14, 13:49
Thanks Jenjen.I don't know if it was high or low.

02-12-14, 14:41
I used to be bulimic so I had low potassium before, when it's low you would feel very tired and you would have irregular heart beat, you can even feel that your heart is skipping beats. I'm guessing it must be low potassium, sweating, diarrhea, laxatives can cause that. Did you discuss your results with your doctor?

02-12-14, 14:46
I am getting re tested on friday and i see my gp next week to discuss all the bloods. I was thinking it will more than likely be high because i eat lots of fruits and veg.