View Full Version : Bad attack, came home early from work

02-12-14, 12:57
Back again! I am really stressed out at the moment with something that happened at work Friday during a leaving party. this morning my manager told me that i might have to make a report about it out. that did not seem too bad but i started to think about it after drinking a cup of coffee! why did i drink that full of caffeine drink? I came over very clammy and hot and had thoughts of suddenly dropping dead from heart attack. i went pale and someone said you look ''very pale are you having a panic attack?'' i said yes and i felt embarrassed and nauseous. i just had to escape and get the hell out of there. my manager let me go home. I was so scared to get on the train as it all felt totally unreal and i was having waves of panic come over me. i managed to get home and i rang 111 who said go and see your doctor, i have an emergency appointment for 5:10 today. i am on venlafaxine 37.5 twice a day one morning and evening. but today i am really struggling to calm down. i get aches and pains intermittently and a twitch in my left eye. i just don't know what to do i feel as if ive hit a new low? still panicking now.

sorry to post this self loathing story.

02-12-14, 13:54
I'm sure it was just the caffeine, anyone with anxiety should avoid caffeine, chocolates, sweets, and foods with certain additives.

Also you can have too much caffeine, so just be careful of that.

03-12-14, 10:06
I'm sure it was just the caffeine, anyone with anxiety should avoid caffeine, chocolates, sweets, and foods with certain additives.

Also you can have too much caffeine, so just be careful of that.

thanks for replying, having that cup of coffee was a bad move yesterday!

11-12-14, 01:58
Yes coffee is terrible for people with anxiety disorders. I once had an iced coffee and it gave me palpitations :0(

11-12-14, 02:39
i wouldnt be avoiding things like coffee to be honest.

do it when you can control your environment a little more like when you are home and maybe have someone close by who isnt going to freak out themselves!

i know people say to avoid it but maybe im into a bit of panic attack s&m or something but i will drink coffee with the sole purpose of testing myself.

drink a coffee=racing heart, choking, passing out on the train, total detachment from reality. its scary yes but youre very much alive and here typing away on a keyboard-not what i would be doing if i thought i was at deaths door! ..but i would be here if i were having a seriously debilitating panic! so its easy for me to say this kind of thing because at the moment i am not in a bad way-even though i know its there lurking inthe background!

left eye could be a simple magnesium deficiency which can be supplemented by eating some dark chocolate.

moderate your coffee intake. drink less amounts of cups and less in each cup. im still on half cups for years now-even looks classy having a small cup! so buy a small cup and you wont have to fear the coffee monster. just take it by the reigns and ride it out!

sorry that that contradicts everyone elses valid opinion but it is just another school of thought...works for me and i still get to enjoy it.