View Full Version : Various symptoms for three months...

02-12-14, 21:28
Hello all,

I'm a 22 year old male. For the past three months I've been experiencing so many various symptoms, that it drives me insane.

Let's start with very high fever and a horrible diarrhea, go through sinus pain, sore throat, coughing, muscle pain, headaches.

The fever and diarrhea went away for a week or two, got a frontal X-Ray and was told that I don't have sinusitis, then I was diagnosed with TMJ. I was fine for a week, then I went out in the rain and got sick again. My nose started getting stuffy and I experienced some really annoying postnasal drip that made me vomit for a week. An ENT doctor told me that my mucosa is a bit swollen and gave me some medicines for this. My muscles started hurting then, along with my neck. That's when I started getting worried about cancer - lung cancer, throat cancer, brain cancer... I started coughing. All of this was going away and coming back. Some days I didn't have muscle pain, but headaches, the next - no headaches, but my muscles were killing me.

I got my right upper wisdom tooth removed 10 days ago. That put an end to the throat problems and made my life much easier. But I still feel pain on the right side, between my ear and temple, all the way up to the head (sometimes). Occasionally, my head feels very tight. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to faint. I noticed that I always have ugly red vessels in my eyes - they are never white as they should be. I'd say that this is because of my contact lenses (changed every month), but I sometimes feel like I'm having double vision - if I close one of my eyes, I see perfect, but with both It's just not that good.

On top of that I'm scared for my liver, because for this time I'm taking painkillers on daily basis - at least two pills of Tylenol 3 (well, the equivalent in my country - 200mg acetaminophen/30mg codeine/300mg metamizol) + some ibuprofen. Before that I was having mild headaches (possibly because of my wisdom tooth) and I was taking the pills for quite some time. Luckily, I don't drink.

And sometimes I forget some stuff - like today I forgot my credit card's PIN - and I use it almost every week! It took me 10 minutes to remember it and this scared me a lot. I don't notice any memory loss related to my work (I'm a programmer), but still...

And finally, the anxiety. All o this makes me very nervous and scared. I drink valerian and validol (menthyl valerate) but it doesn't really help.

So... any ideas are welcome. I don't know to what kind of doctor to go anymore. I kind of gave up on them...

03-12-14, 21:47
It sounds like anxiety. I know when I get super nervous and anxious, I start forgetting what I'm trying to say etc. Think about it like this. Lets say you just got a phone call that your spouse was in a car accident while you are standing at the ATM. I can almost guarantee you would forget your PIN and heck probably your name and everything else too from the shock and adrenaline rush. That is what panic does to a person... causes all these weird things like forgetfulness.

We can really drive ourselves crazy worrying about every body part. It sounds like a bunch of stressful things have happened and they are all kind of building upon one another. One thing that has been helping me a bit lately is EFT tapping for anxiety (there are videos on youtube) and some meditation. Meditation is tough for me (I'm sort of ADD) but it helps to really just stop, settle your mind down, and just focus on the present... calming music, your breath, etc. Take a few minutes to say I am not going to think about my liver, I'm not going to think about cancer, I'm not going to think about anything health related, I'm just going to listen to nice sounds and think about nothing. Even if you can only do a few minutes at first, it still helps.