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View Full Version : Terrified After Mole Removal

03-12-14, 00:33
Yesterday I went to see a dermatologist about a mole I was worried about. The mole was perfectly round, defined edge, raised and flesh colored around 2mm - 2.5mm. It had been on my leg for a long time and has never changed shape or size.

A few days ago a small scab appeared inside the mole. As I had a bruise a little higher in my leg I thought I had hit my leg and this had irritated the mole also. For some reason I picked the scab off and my mole bled.

I suffer from panic disorder and HA and the mole continued to worry me. After scaring myself by googling I made an appointment to see a dermatologist. My family told me I was panicking and it would be fine. This eased my worry until I got to the dermatologists office.

However at my appointment the dermatologist scared the living day lights out of me. After looking under a microscope at the mole she suggested cream for 1 week to treat the scab. She then changed her mind and said if she treated the scab the mole would still be there. I was informed that it was a 50/50 chance of skin cancer and said I needed a biopsy that day. She also said there was a ulcer on the mole. I was under the impression it was a open scab (very small) after I had picked it off 2 days previously.

As I saw a private dermatologist (because of my panic to have the mole seen) she said she would draw up a price estimate straight away. I had the biopsy done. After the dermatologist told me they took the whole mole just in case and I wouldn't have to go back again. She also said if it was abnormal I would need the surrounding skin to be cut out to make sure they got everything. But not to worry about this at the moment.

When asked what kind of cancer it could be I was told basal as it has ulceration on moles or melanoma as they can be flesh colored too. She stated or it could just be irritation of the mole. I left the office panicked and terrified. I now have a 7 day wait for results. I am utterly terrified. Any thoughts, advice or wisdom would be very appreciated.

03-12-14, 01:50
Truthfully, for the derm to go from "here's some cream" to "oh wait, let's take the whole thing and maybe it's cancer" sounds kind of flakey to me. Would have scared the crap out of me too.

She definitely wasn't certain and was second-guessing herself, erring on the side of caution. I'd bet money that the biopsy will come back fine.

03-12-14, 04:58
Thank you so much for your reply. When I think about it logically it certainly does sound flakey. This really eased my worries. Thanks again!

03-12-14, 14:26
If you ever have another mole to be examined, I'd get that derm off my list. :)

10-12-14, 20:30
I bet you it was a money thing.

She sounds like she has no idea what she is talking about at all.

Of course a scab will bleed if you pick it as well.

16-12-14, 22:21
Moles can get irritated/scratched, and bleed, which is completely normal. Also, the fact that it hasn't changed shape or size in a very long time is in your favor. AND it is quite small, yes even small moles can be dangerous, but I have always read that moles bigger than 6mm are the ones you should worry about. The derm was most likely covering her bases, which happens a lot. I have had several moles removed because the derm was "concerned" but all turned out benign - it's their job to be better safe than sorry. Let us know what the results are.

22-12-14, 04:02
Hey what happened with this?
I had a normal brown mole that I suddenly noticed was bright red, bigger, throbbing and had pus in it!
I had it removed and now have to wait for results and am TERRIFIED.

13-05-15, 04:33
The mole came back totally benign. Just a normal mole with a little irritation. Thank you everyone for your replies and kind words!

13-05-15, 05:27
Hi there,

I'm glad it all came back well. That's very unprofessional IMO, to tell you that it's fine one minute and then say there's a 50% chance of cancer the next when she's not even biopsied it.

Take care :)